2010-04-01 phasefxresults are fancier in perl; adjust the result test...
2010-04-01 phasefxHar, I looked in for an existing lineitem...
2010-04-01 phasefxRough cut of 'open-ils.acq.lineitem.cancel', which...
2010-03-31 ericksonshow progress dialog while waiting for the lineitem...
2010-03-31 ericksonadded support for progress dialog messages in the markup
2010-03-31 ericksonSeed data for org settings and override permissions...
2010-03-31 ericksonfleshed out the docs for the open-ils.circ.hold.has_cop...
2010-03-31 senatorAcq: Indicate funds at stop/warning balance level with...
2010-03-31 ericksonadded API docs for
2010-03-31 ericksonadded pcrud entries for claim_policy and claim_policy_a...
2010-03-31 ericksonPatch from Joe Atzberger to add additional code docs...
2010-03-31 mikercorrect paging behavior with new staged search stored...
2010-03-30 phasefxsyntax
2010-03-30 phasefxsyntax. this time I broke the file :)
2010-03-30 mikerreturn the whole blob for an undefined field key
2010-03-30 mikerindex is already there, do not recreate it
2010-03-30 senatorAcq: PO interface now tells you if activating a PO...
2010-03-30 mikeradd makefile and autogen support for the facet definiti...
2010-03-30 ericksonmoved to auto-grid for view funding-source UI (for...
2010-03-30 mikerarg, typos
2010-03-30 mikeradd initial cut of slim facet structure autogen script
2010-03-30 ericksonreinstated the links for funding_source code in the...
2010-03-30 ericksonmoved to auto-grid for allocations and debits for pagin...
2010-03-30 ericksonadded pcrud entries for fund allocations and fund debits
2010-03-30 mikerPatch from Lee Dickens and Galen Charlton to correct...
2010-03-30 ericksonconsolidated the bib and authority record import logic...
2010-03-29 ericksonremoved some unnecessary intermediate code that snuck...
2010-03-29 phasefxforgot to change my version placeholder
2010-03-29 ericksonadded support for using alternate context-specific...
2010-03-29 phasefxpicking an upgrade version number
2010-03-29 phasefxpaste-o
2010-03-29 phasefxfix paste-o for facet_field (do we need facet_xpath...
2010-03-29 phasefxreorder these so that they work
2010-03-29 phasefxseed data
2010-03-29 phasefxthe reason I wanted to pass in an editor here, so I...
2010-03-29 phasefxWe'll be renaming this before it goes into master
2010-03-29 phasefxuse editor
2010-03-29 phasefxcreate acq.created and acq.rejected events
2010-03-29 phasefxmore user request related templates, and add all of...
2010-03-29 senatorAcq: In fund transfer, add destination amount field...
2010-03-29 scottmkIn query.stored query: make from_clause nullable, so...
2010-03-29 ericksonremoved unused / nonfunctional method stub
2010-03-29 senatorAcq: fund transfer UI
2010-03-29 senatorAcq: this line unneeded; TagManager doesn't go here.
2010-03-29 ericksonplugged in paging for viewing fund propagation results...
2010-03-29 scottmkWhen propagating funds: propagate the balance_warning_p...
2010-03-29 ericksonmore patron update docs
2010-03-29 ericksonMore method reg docs and a minor touchup.
2010-03-28 dbsFix typo: (see...
2010-03-28 dbsFix typo: (but...
2010-03-27 mikerset an upper limit using the same value as the per...
2010-03-27 mikeradd useful fixed-field indexing for browse-by-FF suppor...
2010-03-27 mikeradd pubdate filtering support to compat wrapper
2010-03-27 mikersafer date1 number sanitization
2010-03-27 mikermake empty queries safe
2010-03-27 mikermore backward compat for staged search -> QueryParser...
2010-03-27 mikerPatch from Dan Wells which allows restriction of renewa...
2010-03-26 ericksonshow fiscal rollover summary; insert newly created...
2010-03-26 senatorAcq: Resurrect an old "view fund" interface, add some...
2010-03-26 ericksonfor sync login, return true/false to indicate login...
2010-03-26 ericksonno autoWidth, use auto cell width
2010-03-26 mikercalculate facets, cache them, return the facet key...
2010-03-26 ericksonadded note about source of hash keys for user req form...
2010-03-26 ericksonBugfix: param should be params, and notes has issues.
2010-03-26 ericksonsearch.biblio.multiclass.query docs in method reg.
2010-03-26 mikeradd support for DISTINCT on aggregate function, like...
2010-03-26 mikeradd support for an XPath expression to pull out just...
2010-03-26 mikerfirst, the pkey is alias, not id; also, need to add...
2010-03-26 senatorAcq: make provider indicator in PO viewing interface...
2010-03-26 ericksonSet PO order date at PO activation time
2010-03-26 senatorAcq: show provider name in the PO viewing interface
2010-03-26 ericksonMethod reg. docs for
2010-03-26 mikerindex facets non-globbed, and only index the value...
2010-03-26 mikeradd alias mapping table and QueryParser support --...
2010-03-26 scottmkIsolate the "search" and "id_list" methods in their...
2010-03-25 phasefxMerge branch 'k3101'
2010-03-25 ericksonCleanup generally sound method reg. docs
2010-03-25 ericksonComment on undocumented interaction.
2010-03-25 mikermove the sequence update to after the commit to support...
2010-03-25 mikerfieldmapper changes for db upgrade 0213
2010-03-25 scottmkReduce the use of conditional compilation, by replacing...
2010-03-25 senatorAcq: correction to fund tag admin UI
2010-03-25 ericksonMaterial cleanup, many unused vars deleted, note many...
2010-03-25 ericksonConditionals consolidated
2010-03-25 ericksontrivial whitespace cleanup
2010-03-25 ericksonoptions is not actually used
2010-03-25 ericksonWhitespace prettyfication
2010-03-25 ericksonFormal documentation via method registration (KCLS...
2010-03-25 ericksonfix typo: strin => string
2010-03-25 dbsFix warning from comparison with a possibly undef variable
2010-03-25 senatorAcq: Fund tag admin UI - this is just the CRUD part...
2010-03-25 scottmkReplace claim_interval column with claim_policy column...
2010-03-25 mikeradd a table to allow labelling (and eventual expansion...
2010-03-25 mikercapture multiple values (on pg 8.4) of an attr def
2010-03-25 scottmkReplace acq.lineitem.claim_interval and acq.provider...
2010-03-25 phasefxfix some bugs that slipped in with AutoFieldWidget...
2010-03-25 ericksonrepaired signature params name
2010-03-25 ericksonremoved unused vars for clarity, make use of the depth...
2010-03-25 senatorAcq: Fixed fund dropdowns for new copies and copies...
2010-03-25 scottmkCreate two tables in acq schema: claim_policy and claim...