2010-09-19 Steve SheppardMerge branch 'master' of github.com:rsoulliere/Evergree...
2010-09-19 Steve Sheppardexpand section 'Installing in Virtualized Linux Environ...
2010-09-19 Steve Sheppardadd new images to support section 'Installing in Virtua...
2010-09-19 Steve Sheppardsimple tweaks to <xref/> links;
2010-09-18 Robert SoulliereFix some of the overflow issues during PDF processing.
2010-09-18 Robert Soullierefix unspecified column-width errors and reorganized...
2010-09-18 Robert SoulliereMerge branch 'master' of github.com:rsoulliere/Evergree...
2010-09-18 Robert SoulliereFix column width unspepcified error by specifying colum...
2010-09-18 Steve Sheppardexpand the section 'Installing PostgreSQL';
2010-09-17 Robert SoulliereFix some link references.
2010-09-16 Robert SoulliereFix linkend references.
2010-09-16 Robert SoulliereMore fixes.
2010-09-16 Robert SoulliereFound more typos.
2010-09-16 Robert SoulliereOops, fix typos and spelling errors.
2010-09-16 Robert SoulliereMerge branch 'master' of github.com:rsoulliere/Evergree...
2010-09-16 Robert SoulliereAdd migratingdata.xml to root and add migrating patron...
2010-09-16 Steve Sheppardcorrect some typos and spelling errors;
2010-09-16 Steve Sheppardreorder section 'Getting a Signed SSL Certificate';
2010-09-16 Steve Sheppardupdate the glossary;
2010-09-16 Steve Sheppardexpand section "Installing OpenSRF 1.0.7";
2010-09-16 Steve SheppardMerge branch 'master' of github.com:rsoulliere/Evergree...
2010-09-16 Robert SoulliereRemove some linkend references to nonexistent IDs.
2010-09-16 Robert SoulliereClean up a few more admin files.
2010-09-16 Steve SheppardMerge branch 'master' of github.com:rsoulliere/Evergree...
2010-09-15 Robert SoulliereDo some clean up of development files. Adjust converti...
2010-09-15 Robert SoulliereMore admin clean up...
2010-09-15 Steve SheppardMerge branch 'master' of github.com:rsoulliere/Evergree...
2010-09-14 Robert Soullieremore clean up of some admin files..
2010-09-14 Steve Sheppardremove unneeded file;
2010-09-14 Steve Sheppardexpand section "Installing Evergreen 1.4.x.x On Ubuntu...
2010-09-14 Steve Sheppardtweaks and corrections;
2010-09-13 Robert SoulliereMore cleanup...
2010-09-13 Robert SoulliereMore semantic clean up and indexing.
2010-09-13 Robert SoulliereMerge branch 'master' of github.com:rsoulliere/Evergree...
2010-09-13 Robert SoulliereClean up files for samntic coding. Add index entries.
2010-09-13 Steve Sheppardadd appropriate semantic mark up to Glossary entries;
2010-09-13 Steve Sheppardadd entries to the Glossary;
2010-09-13 Steve Sheppardreplace image in section "Testing with settings-tester...
2010-09-13 Steve Sheppardextended Dan Scott's work on semantic markup
2010-09-13 Steve Sheppardreplace many tags with more specific semantic markup...
2010-09-12 Robert Soullieredelete duplicate surversideInclude file.
2010-09-12 Robert SoulliereGit add server side installation.
2010-09-12 Robert SoulliereRe-add admin receipt and survey files. They are include...
2010-09-12 Robert SoulliereCommit Dan Scott's changes.
2010-09-12 Steve Sheppardtotal review to use proper semantic markup to replace...
2010-09-11 Steve Shepparduse <glosssee/> where possible;
2010-09-11 Dan ScottMove to more semantic markup
2010-09-11 Dan ScottCreate a relative link rather than an absolute link...
2010-09-11 Dan ScottUpdate RAM requirements, reduce wordiness, fix OpenSRF...
2010-09-10 Robert SoulliereMerge branch 'master' of github.com:rsoulliere/Evergree...
2010-09-10 Robert SoulliereRemove admin-receipt and admin-service chapters since...
2010-09-10 Robert SoulliereAdd upgrading postgresql to 8.3.
2010-09-10 Steve Sheppardadd temporary index and <indexterm/> tags to mark up...
2010-09-10 Robert SoulliereClean up some of my admin docs. add schema.xml to repo.
2010-09-09 Steve Sheppardadd new entries;
2010-09-09 Steve Sheppardadd new 'media' image files;
2010-09-09 Robert Soulliere(no commit message)
2010-09-08 Steve Sheppardreorder some chapters to support new chapter "Installin...
2010-09-08 Steve SheppardMerge branch 'master' of github.com/rsoulliere/Evergree...
2010-09-08 Steve Sheppardexpand the glossary;
2010-09-07 Steve Sheppardtweaks to section "Installing Evergreen V1.6.0.7 On...
2010-09-07 Robert SoulliereMerge branch 'master' of github.com:rsoulliere/Evergree...
2010-09-07 Robert SoulliereFix many of my typos and misspellings in admin section...
2010-09-07 Steve Sheppardnew definitions;
2010-09-03 Steve Sheppardnew file, copied from "caution.png"
2010-09-03 Steve Sheppardmodify section "Install Staff Client", "Automatic Updat...
2010-09-03 Steve Sheppardadd new entries;
2010-09-02 Steve Sheppardinitial;
2010-09-02 Robert SoulliereMerge branch 'master' of github.com:rsoulliere/Evergree...
2010-09-02 Robert Soulliereedit z3950 with warning regarding older versions from...
2010-09-02 Steve Sheppardexpand the glossary;
2010-09-02 Robert SoulliereAdd stylesheets for our evergreen docbook site.
2010-09-02 Steve Sheppardadd new "docbook" directory to document updates and...
2010-09-02 Steve Sheppardexpand section "Installing Staff Client";
2010-09-02 Steve Sheppardadd new file;
2010-09-01 Steve Sheppardremove unneeded file;
2010-08-31 Steve Sheppardreview section "Installing OpenSRF", make simple tweaks;
2010-08-31 Steve Sheppardminor reorg in Post-Installation section to relocate...
2010-08-31 Steve Sheppardexpand the section "Installing OpenSRF on Ubuntu or...
2010-08-30 Steve Sheppardreorganize ordering of some chapters;
2010-08-29 Steve Sheppardrewrite NOTE and WARNING messages;
2010-08-29 Steve Sheppardreorganize slightly, merge several short sections into...
2010-08-29 Steve Sheppardnew placeholder file;
2010-08-29 Steve Sheppardexpand sections 6.3 .. 6.10;
2010-08-27 Steve SheppardMerge github.com:rsoulliere/Evergreen-DocBook
2010-08-27 Steve Sheppardfix some broken <link>s;
2010-08-26 Robert SoulliereAdd json chapter.
2010-08-25 Robert SoulliereAdd documentation files for supercat and stafftasks...
2010-08-25 Robert SoulliereAdd opac intro, OPAC search URL. update cataloging.
2010-08-24 Robert Soulliereadd section for adding holdings and media files to...
2010-08-20 Robert SoulliereAdd Customizing OPAC and development intro chapters.
2010-08-17 Robert SoulliereAdd sip and z39.40 chapters. Add requirements-configura...
2010-08-16 Robert SoulliereAdd Admin requurements and configurations chapter.
2010-08-14 Robert SoulliereEdit an xref.
2010-08-13 Robert SoulliereMerge branch 'master' of github.com:rsoulliere/Evergree...
2010-08-13 Robert SoulliereAdd release notes and change size of small shite Evergr...
2010-08-13 Robert Soullierechange a "warning" to a "caution".
2010-08-12 Steve Sheppardnew file;
2010-08-12 Steve SheppardMerge branch 'master' of github.com/rsoulliere/Evergree...
2010-08-12 Steve Sheppardadd new files;