2013-09-25 Dan ScottMove search result "actions" below result metadata
2013-09-25 Dan ScottJust use a format label in results + pubdate
2013-09-25 Dan ScottFacets after results, then DOMinate them into place
2013-09-25 Ben ShumRemove extra div layer around password hint include
2013-09-25 Ben ShumMore tweaks to the form page
2013-09-25 Ben ShumChange form.tt2 from table to div
2013-09-25 Ben ShumAdd meta viewport tag
2013-09-25 Ben ShumAdd initial Indiana CSS changes
2013-09-25 Dan ScottTPAC: Revert colspan/rowspan advanced search config...
2013-09-23 Bill EricksonLP 1212456 Release Notes
2013-09-23 Dan WellsStamping 'Items Out' config settings
2013-09-23 Bill EricksonLP 1212456 customize items out display
2013-09-23 Pasi KallinenAdd missing dojo nls files for FlattenerGrid and PCrudF...
2013-09-23 Pasi KallinenNew advanced search filter size/layout options
2013-09-23 Bill EricksonAction/Trigger load environment via stream
2013-09-23 Bill EricksonStamping 0833 : self-reg timeout
2013-09-23 Bill EricksonLP#1218597 pending patron row-date IDL label change
2013-09-23 Bill EricksonLP#1218597 Load pending patron via double-click
2013-09-23 Bill EricksonLP#1218597 TPAC honors opac.username_regex setting
2013-09-23 Bill EricksonLP#1218597 tpac self-reg refresh page for privacy
2013-09-23 Bill EricksonLP#1218597 TPAC self-reg DoB date format example message
2013-09-23 Bill EricksonRepair Vandelay async startup data retrieval
2013-09-20 Remington SteedUpdate serials docs for 2.4
2013-09-18 Yamil SuarezAdd altering rows colors to (cataloging) manage authori...
2013-09-17 Chris SharpFix typo in Makefile.ubuntu-precise.
2013-09-17 Lebbeous Fogle... Number upgrade script for serial alert notes
2013-09-17 Remington SteedRelease notes for Serial alert notes
2013-09-17 Dan WellsSerials: alert notes when receiving
2013-09-16 Mike RylanderHave TPAC put user input at the end in all cases
2013-09-16 Mike RylanderStream facet data
2013-09-16 Dan WellsMove list delete check from onclick to onsubmit
2013-09-16 Kyle TomitaLP1164674 - OPAC - Too easy to delete a list
2013-09-16 Pasi KallinenBrowse catalog shortcut links should clear the search...
2013-09-16 Dan Wells'Opportunistic' Acq In-process Copy Overlay
2013-09-16 Mike RylanderStamping long overdue penalty upgrade script
2013-09-16 Bill EricksonLP1210291 Long Overdue Standing Penalty
2013-09-16 Pasi KallinenAdd Finnish bib tooltips to marc editor.
2013-09-16 Dan WellsTweaks to 'my lists' paging code
2013-09-16 Bill EricksonLP#1206649 un-cancel received lineitems / copies
2013-09-16 Bill EricksonBilling UI style lost and longoverdue circulations
2013-09-16 Lebbeous Fogle... Inter-authority linking script
2013-09-13 Dan WellsStamping upgrade for 'my list' lists-per-page
2013-09-13 Dan WellsTrivial changes to configurable bookbag paging
2013-09-13 Kyle TomitaLP1164197 - Add page number navigation to my lists...
2013-09-13 Dan WellsTrivial changes to 'my list' paging code
2013-09-13 Dan WellsStamping upgrade for 'my list' items per page
2013-09-13 Kyle TomitaLP1160596 - Add pagination for items in My Lists
2013-09-12 Pasi KallinenFix PCrudFilterPane generating illegal queries when...
2013-09-12 Bill EricksonLP#856688 OUS to disable org unit as hold pickup lib
2013-09-12 Pasi KallinenAllow translation of acq.cancel_reason texts.
2013-09-12 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade script for repeatable events
2013-09-12 Remington SteedRelease notes for Action Trigger Event Repeatability
2013-09-12 Remington SteedAllow action trigger events to be repeated
2013-09-12 Mike RylanderStamping P.V. SUPA upgrade scripts
2013-09-12 Jason EtheridgeP.V. SUPA GoodStuff integration
2013-09-12 Jason EtheridgeJSAN module autoloader for "add-ons"
2013-09-12 Jason Etheridgeinternal: JSAN socket library
2013-09-12 Jason Etheridgeinternal: an alternative to default_focus
2013-09-12 Jason Etheridgeinternal: default_focus not called
2013-09-12 Jason Etheridgeinternal: allow checkout ui to set statusbar
2013-09-12 Mike RylanderOptimize container filters in QueryParser
2013-09-12 Bill EricksonLP#1084758 store staff client tpac (etc) zoom pref
2013-09-12 Thomas BerezanskyAdd Zoom support to browser views
2013-09-12 Bill EricksonLP1193095 lineitem batch actions sanity filters
2013-09-07 Bill EricksonLP#1220387 silence deprecation warning in Normalizer
2013-09-07 Ben ShumStamping upgrade script for biblio A/T title variable fix
2013-09-07 Jason Etheridgereset title variable when looping with biblio A/T
2013-09-07 Pasi KallinenLP1183553 (continued) - Fix applied filters
2013-09-07 Steven ChanLP1183553 - Default filter option for configuration...
2013-09-07 Chris SharpThe ILS User reports source branches to an All Hold...
2013-09-06 Ben ShumFix some bad break syntax
2013-09-04 Bill Erickson.gitignore installed files more generically
2013-09-04 Ben ShumAdd xulrunner 14, built libmar tools, and some javascri...
2013-09-04 Bill EricksonAdd some 'make check' objects to .gitignore
2013-09-04 Lebbeous Fogle... Add more built things to .gitignore for master
2013-09-04 Pasi KallinenUnify appellee/appellant relators
2013-09-03 Jason Etheridgeadd src/Pg/live_t/
2013-09-03 Mike RylanderPgTAP tests for 0824
2013-08-30 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade script for Vandelay item import defaults
2013-08-30 Bill EricksonLP1209291 vandelay item defaults release notes
2013-08-30 Bill EricksonLP1209291 vandelay item import defaults
2013-08-26 Pasi KallinenSave times in HH:MM format for hours of operation
2013-08-26 Chris SharpFixing LP 1203796.
2013-08-26 Dan ScottSchema.org authors: relate properties to the right...
2013-08-26 Dan ScottSchema.org: relate offers to record explicitly
2013-08-26 Dan ScottMap the bound-with relationship in schema.org
2013-08-26 Dan ScottAdd structured data for holdings via schema.org/Offer
2013-08-26 Dan ScottSchema.org: improve MusicGroup vs. Person parsing
2013-08-23 Dan WellsStamping upgrade for patron self-reg
2013-08-23 Dan WellsTrivial changes
2013-08-23 Bill EricksonLP1207396 Patron Self-Register Release Notes
2013-08-23 Bill EricksonLP1207396 pending patron reg show requestor
2013-08-23 Bill EricksonLP1207396 TPAC org_selector supports org filter
2013-08-23 Bill EricksonLP1207396 Patron self-registration web form
2013-08-23 Bill EricksonLP1207396 user stage allows username selection
2013-08-23 Bill EricksonLP1207396 purge old pending users
2013-08-23 Bill EricksonLP1207396 DB / IDL for patron self-reg
2013-08-23 Bill EricksonLP#1182519 Stamping DB upgrade 0822
2013-08-23 Bill EricksonLP1182519 Per-Hold Behind Desk Value
2013-08-22 Ben ShumAdd placeholder file for 0821 upgrade script