2019-09-09 Ben ShumLP#1817645: fix live perl test for basic auth API
2019-09-09 Galen CharltonLP#1817645: (follow-up) avoid hardcoding user ID in...
2019-09-08 Jane SandbergDocs: cleaning up headings in 3.4 release notes
2019-09-07 Ben ShumLP#1817645: Fix pgtap tests
2019-09-07 Ben ShumLP#1816475: Cleanup 950.data.seed-values.sql
2019-09-06 Galen CharltonLP#1068287: stamp database update
2019-09-06 Jason EtheridgeLP#1068287 UI tweak and renewal behavior
2019-09-06 Cesar VelezLP#1068287 - Add CREATE_PRECAT permission
2019-09-06 Galen CharltonLP#1823255: stamp database update
2019-09-06 Mark BucholtzLP#1823255: optionally require ident_value
2019-09-06 Jason StephensonLp 1811696: Add --rebuild-rmsr option to pingest.pl
2019-09-06 Jason EtheridgeLP#1841270: release notes
2019-09-06 Jason EtheridgeLP#1841270: fix ITEM_NOT_HOLDABLE event description
2019-09-06 Jason EtheridgeLP#1841270: add Title Hold option in various places...
2019-09-06 Jason StephensonLp 1799272: Option to Limit Hold Items in SIP2 msg...
2019-09-06 Bill EricksonLP1731021 SIP fine detail fee type additions
2019-09-06 Bill EricksonLP1731021 SIP Fine detail repairs / display fields
2019-09-06 Dan PearlLP#1731021: Support fine detail enhancement to SIP.
2019-09-06 Galen CharltonLP#1444644: stamp database update
2019-09-06 Liam WhalenLP#1444644 Copy Import Development Work
2019-09-06 Josh StomproLP#1728331 - Action Trigger Aggregator Date Parameter
2019-09-06 Jason BoyerLP1728331: A/T Aggregator Date Parameter
2019-09-06 Jeff DavisLP#1786552: AuthProxy: release note for LDAP bind_user...
2019-09-06 Jeff DavisLP#1786552: AuthProxy: restrict_by_home_ou based on...
2019-09-06 Jeff DavisLP#1786552: optionally restrict auth_proxy login by...
2019-09-06 Jeff DavisLP#1786552: LDAP bind user option
2019-09-06 Galen CharltonLP#1793802: stamp database update
2019-09-06 Chris SharpLP#1793802 - Add new aged/all billing/payment sources...
2019-09-06 Bill EricksonLP#1793802 Age circ ages payments before billings
2019-09-06 Bill EricksonLP#1793802 Billing/payment purge improvements
2019-09-06 Bill EricksonLP#1793802 Aged billings/payments release notes
2019-09-06 Bill EricksonLP#1793802 Aged billings/payments PGTAP tests
2019-09-06 Bill EricksonLP#1793802 Add money.all_[payments|billings] views
2019-09-06 Bill EricksonLP#1793802 Aged billings and payments
2019-09-06 Galen CharltonLP#1817645: add release notes
2019-09-06 Galen CharltonLP#1817645: stamp schema update
2019-09-06 Galen CharltonLP#1817645: (follow-up) sync schema update script
2019-09-06 Jeff DavisLP#1817645: use label as reporter:selector for user...
2019-09-06 Jeff DavisLP#1817645: add RemoteAuth profiles to Angular server...
2019-09-06 Jeff DavisLP#1817645: track RemoteAuth user activity
2019-09-06 Jeff DavisLP#1817645: RemoteAuth documentation
2019-09-06 Jeff DavisLP#1817645: RemoteAuth Perl live test for basic HTTP...
2019-09-06 Jeff DavisLP#1817645: RemoteAuth pgTAP test
2019-09-06 Jeff DavisLP#1817645: sample data for testing remote patron auth
2019-09-06 Jeff DavisLP#1817645: RemoteAuth handler for basic HTTP authentic...
2019-09-06 Jeff DavisLP#1817645: configurable HTTP API for patron auth/retrieval
2019-09-06 Galen CharltonLP#1840327: add release notes
2019-09-06 Galen CharltonLP#1840327: (follow-up) various fixes and improvements
2019-09-06 Mike RisherLP#1840327: port standing penalty admin interface to...
2019-09-06 Bill EricksonLP1840050 Angular Org Unit Admin page port
2019-09-06 Bill EricksonLP1840050 Angular staff banner sets title
2019-09-06 Bill EricksonLP1840050 Modularize various standalone components...
2019-09-06 Bill EricksonLP1840050 Org select sanity checks on selected value
2019-09-06 Bill EricksonLP1840050 Combobox responds favoribly to value changes
2019-09-06 Bill EricksonLP1840050 Anguar tree component realtime updates
2019-09-06 Bill EricksonLP1840050 IDL pkeyMatches function/tests
2019-09-06 Bill EricksonLP1840050 IDL Org and Org Address additions
2019-09-06 Remington SteedLP#1741980: Give type label its own span and class...
2019-09-06 Remington SteedLP#1741980: Fetch and show copy tag label in OPAC
2019-09-06 Galen CharltonLP#1753536: stamp DB update
2019-09-06 Jason StephensonLp 1753536: Clarify release notes
2019-09-06 Dan PearlLP1753536 - Add a new Owning Library column to the...
2019-09-06 Galen CharltonLP#1818581: stamp DB update
2019-09-06 Terran McCannaLP#1818581 Action Trigger for Fine Limit Exceeded
2019-09-06 Bill EricksonLP1839670 Angular catalog more result page info
2019-09-06 Bill EricksonLP1823981 Angular perm group admin UX improvements
2019-09-06 Bill EricksonLP1823981 eg-bool component padding
2019-09-06 Bill EricksonLP1823981 Release notes for perm group admin
2019-09-06 Bill EricksonLP1823981 Angular Permission Group Tree Admin UI
2019-09-06 Ben ShumLP#1830749: set minimum PG version for eg_db_config
2019-09-06 Ben ShumLP#1830749: Bump minimum PostgreSQL version to 9.6
2019-09-06 Galen CharltonLP#1816475: stamp DB updates
2019-09-06 Galen CharltonLP#1816475: (follow-up) fix lint issues
2019-09-06 Galen CharltonLP#1816475: (follow-up) ensure that manage reservations...
2019-09-06 Galen CharltonLP#1816475: (follow-up) remove stray bare "ngModel"
2019-09-06 Jane SandbergLP1816475: Put the resource barcodes in order
2019-09-06 Jane SandbergLP1816475: Change "Pickup Library" terminology to ...
2019-09-06 Jane SandbergLP1816475: Fix circular dependency warning
2019-09-06 Jane SandbergLP1816475: Changing icon for Manage Reservations
2019-09-06 Jane SandbergLP1816475: Pre-fill patron barcode in Create Reservations
2019-09-06 Jane SandbergLP1816475: Loosening the permissions on booking resourc...
2019-09-06 Jane SandbergLP1816475: Removing development bits from the display
2019-09-06 Jane SandbergLP1816475: Docs: release notes and docs updates
2019-09-06 Jane SandbergLP1816475: Booking module refresh
2019-09-06 Jane SandbergLP1816475: Fixes incorrect IDL relationship for bresv...
2019-09-04 Jane SandbergLP1832897 and LP1721036: stamping upgrade scripts
2019-09-04 Jane SandbergLP1832897 (follow-up): Fixing oils_i18n_gettext key
2019-09-04 Jane SandbergLP1832897: One more carousel local admin link repair
2019-09-04 Mike RylanderLP1832897: Avoid query errors related to optional carou...
2019-09-04 Mike RylanderLP1832897: Belt-and-suspenders for making sure max_item...
2019-09-04 Jane SandbergLP1832897: Marking some carousel fields required in...
2019-09-04 Bill EricksonLP1832897 Carousel local admin link repair
2019-09-04 Bill EricksonLP1832897 FM Editor fieldOptions sanity check
2019-09-04 Galen CharltonLP#1832897: add release notes
2019-09-04 Galen CharltonLP#1832897: add public catalog display of carousels
2019-09-04 Galen CharltonLP#1832897: business logic for carousels
2019-09-04 Galen CharltonLP#1832897: add miscellaneous carousels functionality...
2019-09-04 Galen CharltonLP#1832897: add administrative interfaces for carousels
2019-09-04 Galen CharltonLP#1832897: add tables, IDL, and seed data for carousels
2019-09-04 Galen CharltonLP#1832897: add Glide as a Javascript dependency for...