2017-09-01 Srey SengLP#1358392: See references not always displaying on...
2017-09-01 Mike RylanderLP#1638299: add list of thesauruses
2017-09-01 Galen CharltonLP#1638299: improve extraction of headings from authori...
2017-09-01 Galen CharltonLP#1638299: sample LC and MeSH authority records
2017-09-01 Mike RylanderLP#1638299: MADS 2.1 stylesheet
2017-09-01 Ben ShumLP#1710991: Do not translate username and workstation...
2017-09-01 Galen CharltonLP#1582354: put release notes entry in proper directory...
2017-09-01 Galen CharltonLP#1688398: add release notes
2017-09-01 Galen CharltonLP#1688398: some tidying
2017-09-01 Cesar VelezLP#1688398 - fix hardcoded logo url in payment email...
2017-09-01 Suzanne PaternoLP#1688398: revamp public catalog bill payment page
2017-09-01 Suzanne PaternoLP#1688398: change wording on OPAC bill payment pages
2017-09-01 Mike RylanderStamp upgrade scripts for native EDI support
2017-09-01 Bill EricksonLP#1373690 EDI attribute set clone operation
2017-09-01 Galen CharltonLP#1373690: add USE_ID_FOR_OWNING_LIB EDI attribute
2017-09-01 Galen CharltonLP#1373690: fix typos
2017-09-01 Galen CharltonLP#1373690: normalize IMD values better
2017-09-01 Bill EricksonLP#1373690 EDI 'use_attrs' configuration option
2017-09-01 Bill EricksonLP#1373690 Midwest Library Service EDI attrs
2017-09-01 Bill EricksonLP#1373690 EDI attributes release notes
2017-09-01 Bill EricksonLP#1373690 EDI attribute sets admin UI
2017-09-01 Bill EricksonLP#1373690 EDI ORDERS generator script
2017-09-01 Bill EricksonLP#1373690 Attribute-based EDI generator
2017-09-01 Galen CharltonLP#1710949: add tests for blocking after failed attempts
2017-09-01 Bill EricksonLP#1710949 Release notes for auth.login
2017-09-01 Bill EricksonLP#1710949 Redact open-ils.auth.login params
2017-09-01 Bill EricksonLP#1710949 auth.login Perl live test script
2017-09-01 Bill EricksonLP#1710949 open-ils.auth.login API
2017-09-01 Galen CharltonLP#1708291: tweak to subscription selector
2017-09-01 Jason EtheridgeLP#1708291: remove initials field for serial notes
2017-09-01 Galen CharltonLP#1708291: add release notes
2017-09-01 Galen CharltonLP#1708291: web staff client serials module
2017-09-01 Galen CharltonLP#1708291: introduce egI18N
2017-09-01 Galen CharltonLP#1708291: teach egBasicComboBox and egDatePicker...
2017-09-01 Mike RylanderLP#1152753: make it possible for serial units to be...
2017-09-01 Galen CharltonLP#1708291: add an egHelpPopover directive
2017-09-01 Jason EtheridgeLP#1708291: add a join filter for angular templates
2017-09-01 Mike RylanderLP#1708291: teach egEmbedFrame about an afterload function
2017-09-01 Jason EtheridgeLP#1708291: add API for safe deleting various serial...
2017-09-01 Galen CharltonLP#1708291: teach MARC editor that it can edit MFHDs...
2017-09-01 Mike RylanderLP#1708291: teach egGrid to always show checkbox menu...
2017-09-01 Galen CharltonLP#1708291: improvements to egEditFmRecord
2017-09-01 Galen CharltonLP#1708291: add a egShareDepthSelector directive
2017-09-01 Galen CharltonLP#1708291: teach egIDL a new fieldmapper object repres...
2017-09-01 Galen CharltonLP#1682609: upgrade to angular-ui-bootstrap 1.3.3
2017-09-01 Bill EricksonLP#1709521 Apply recent patrons from checkout
2017-08-31 blakeLP1655158 Patron Search by Date of Birth
2017-08-31 Bill EricksonLP#1695029 Patron reg. supports bool opt-in defaults
2017-08-31 Cesar VelezLP#1695029-Webstaff Fix Patron Registration page never...
2017-08-31 Jason Etheridgelp1709521 stamping schema upgrade
2017-08-31 Kathy LussierLP#1709521: Tweak description for new OU setting
2017-08-31 Bill EricksonLP#1709521 Release notes for show recent patrons
2017-08-31 Bill EricksonLP#1709521 Webstaff show recent patrons
2017-08-30 Cesar VelezLP#1683575 - Webstaff fix silent fail of bad barcodes...
2017-08-30 Mike RylanderLP#1642086: Relase note for jQuery support
2017-08-30 Mike RylanderLP#1642086: Adjust offline resources for jquery support
2017-08-30 Bill EricksonLP#1642086 TPAC Jquery path repair, .gitignore, karma
2017-08-30 Mike RylanderLP#1642086: Smallest possible JQuery patch that could...
2017-08-30 Mike RylanderThe ngToast maintainers decided to trick us with a...
2017-08-30 Mike RylanderFix the "404 asset" test
2017-08-30 Mike RylanderReorder the tabs and adjust the default based on logged...
2017-08-30 Mike RylanderRemove confusing "session" tab from the offline menu...
2017-08-30 Mike RylanderAdd moment.js to the offline asset list
2017-08-30 Mike Rylanderoffline: Load Lovefield wrapper in addition to the...
2017-08-30 Mike Rylanderoffline: add live-test for offline assets
2017-08-30 Mike Rylanderoffline: Remove reference to nonexistent file
2017-08-30 Mike Rylanderoffline: Load lovefield in the testing framework
2017-08-30 Mike Rylanderoffline: Prefer user-supplied param to browser-supplied...
2017-08-30 Mike Rylanderoffline: Make sure the the field_doc structure exists...
2017-08-30 Mike Rylanderwebstaff: IDL Clone
2017-08-30 Mike RylanderLP#1706107: Offline mode
2017-08-29 Cesar VelezLP#1710512 - OPAC js strings need to be i18n-izable
2017-08-29 Jason Etheridgelp1582354 stamping schema upgrade
2017-08-29 Chris SharpLP#1582354 - Add owning_lib to available links.
2017-08-29 blakeLP1582354 report able to show bibs where the last copy...
2017-08-29 Kathy LussierLP#1048822: Release notes entry for fuller simplified...
2017-08-29 Kathy LussierLP#1048822: Stamping upgrade script for simplified...
2017-08-29 Josh StomproLP#1048822 - Fuller Title for reporter.super_simple_record
2017-08-28 Skye HowardLP#1629298: Web Client Checkout Fails For Barcodes...
2017-08-28 Galen CharltonLP#1668734: stamp DB update
2017-08-28 Galen CharltonLP#1668734: set max_delay, similar to stock courtesy...
2017-08-28 Galen CharltonLP#1668734: pin ID of new A/T definition
2017-08-28 McCannaLP#1668734 Action Trigger for SMS Preminder
2017-08-28 Kathy LussierLP#1698206: Stamping upgrade script for copy_vis_attr_cache
2017-08-28 Galen CharltonLP#1698206: basic release notes entry
2017-08-28 Galen CharltonLP#1698206: remove now-superfluous include of List...
2017-08-28 Galen CharltonLP#1698206: fix sequence error in schema update script
2017-08-28 Mike RylanderLP#1698206: Remove remaining SQL uses of the old copy...
2017-08-28 Mike RylanderLP#1698206: Remove remaining uses of the old copy visib...
2017-08-28 Mike RylanderLP#1698206: Copy counts generated from new vis cache...
2017-08-28 Mike RylanderLP#1698206: Reify baseline schema
2017-08-28 Mike RylanderLP#1698206: Make use of current search library in autos...
2017-08-28 Mike RylanderLP#1698206: Indicate broad searches and heavy facets
2017-08-28 Mike RylanderLP#1698206: Add TechRef documentation from commit message
2017-08-28 Mike RylanderLP#1698206: Remove hit estimation cruft
2017-08-28 Mike RylanderLP#1698206: Eliminate Staged Search
2017-08-28 Galen CharltonLP#1689608: stamp schema update
2017-08-28 Galen CharltonLP#1689608: add release notes
2017-08-28 Kathy LussierLP#1689608: Minor fixes
2017-08-28 Mike RylanderLP#1689608: Batch user editing