2022-03-31 Dan Allennormalize scrollbars across browsers
2022-03-31 Dan Allenonly add cursor pointer to explore context if explore...
2022-03-31 Dan Allenmake match for active nav-item-toggle more specific
2022-03-31 Dan Allenapply color-adjust to admonition icon so it appears...
2022-03-31 Dan Allenset the opacity of the placeholder text for an input...
2022-03-31 Dan Allenenable smooth scroll by default
2022-03-29 Dan Allensimplify selector for active nav item toggle and clear...
2022-03-28 Dan Allenset list-style on ul in nav instead of li
2022-03-28 Dan Allenset color inherit on all links in nav
2022-03-26 Dan Allenremove outdated siteRootUrl property in UI model for...
2022-03-04 Dan Allenresolves #186 add missing highlight.js language definit...
2022-02-22 Dan Allenmerge !157
2022-02-22 Dan Allenadd vertical-align middle to video iframe; remove margi...
2022-02-22 EdwardSame format of "videoblack" as "imageblock" (#184)
2022-02-17 Dan Allenmerge !155
2022-02-17 Guillaume GrossetieStyle the search bar when disabled
2022-02-17 Dan Allenupgrade gulp-stylelint so dependencies can be installed...
2022-02-17 Dan Allenupdate dependency lock file
2022-01-26 Dan Allenfix clone command on set up page so it works with copy...
2022-01-15 Dan Allenupgrade UI preview to Asciidoctor.js 2
2022-01-14 Dan Allenassume special chars in description and keywords are...
2022-01-14 Dan Allendrop check for outdated siteRootUrl property; document...
2022-01-14 Dan Allendocument the site.homeUrl property in the UI model...
2021-12-24 Dan Allenapply font weight bold to h4
2021-12-24 Dan Allenchange template-variables-table ID to template-variable...
2021-12-24 Dan Allenclarify that canonical URL is only set if site.url...
2021-12-23 Dan Allenmerge !154
2021-12-23 Dan Allenresolves #181 prevent overscroll event in scrollable...
2021-12-19 Dan Alleninclude search-scripts partial if SITE_SEARCH_PROVIDER...
2021-12-18 Dan Allenlook for env.SITE_SEARCH_PROVIDER instead of env.SITE_S...
2021-12-17 Dan Allenmerge !153
2021-12-17 Dan Allenadd search input behind a flag
2021-12-13 Dan Allenassume value of toctitle page attribute is already...
2021-11-22 Dan Allenset docs version to ~
2021-10-22 Dan Allendocument the property in the UI model
2021-10-06 Dan Allenrevert value of version key since docs are still built...
2021-10-06 Dan Allenupdate terminology for referring to the default branch
2021-10-06 Dan Allenset docs version to ~ to indicate it is versionless
2021-10-06 Dan Allenreplace default branch name with HEAD
2021-09-19 Dan Allenremove side margin on footnotes block inside table
2021-09-19 Dan Allenincrease specificity for nowrap role
2021-09-19 Dan Allenadd margin above section body in man page
2021-09-19 Dan Allenadd missing scope to selector for embedded toc
2021-09-19 Dan Allenapply max-width to svg; remove unnecessary specificity...
2021-09-19 Dan Allenstyle code element in colist
2021-09-16 Dan Allenconfine SVG referenced using object tag to enclosing...
2021-09-11 Dan Allenupdate dependency lock file
2021-09-11 Dan Allenremove redundant block style on quote block
2021-09-11 Dan Allenset height of image in preview page
2021-09-11 Dan Allenapply border to table first, then take border away...
2021-09-11 Dan Allenmerge !150
2021-09-11 Ray Offiahresolves #64 add support for frame and grid styles...
2021-09-11 Dan Allenmove margin from bottom of list item to top of sibling...
2021-09-10 Dan Allenconsolidate CSS properties for summary marker
2021-09-10 Dan Allenhide built-in marker on summary element and remove...
2021-09-04 Dan Allenfix layout of brand in navbar when text wraps
2021-09-01 Dan Allendegrade gracefully if explore panel in nav is missing
2021-08-16 Dan Allenadd tip about using site.path to create a root-relative...
2021-08-14 Dan Allenstyle footnotes block
2021-08-14 Dan Allennormalize styles for sub and sup
2021-08-05 Dan Allenmerge !148
2021-08-04 Dan Allenresolves #178 adjust styles for details element
2021-07-15 Dan Allenmerge !147
2021-07-15 Dan Allenresolves #177 add spacing between paragraphs in default...
2021-06-25 Dan Allendon't uglify .min.js files in js/vendor folder
2021-06-06 Dan Allenresolves #176 drop .git suffix from basename in clone...
2021-04-30 Dan Allenremove unnecessary comment in 06-copy-to-clipboard...
2021-04-08 Sarah Whitemerge !143
2021-04-08 Sarah Whiteadd Code of Conduct info and link to README
2021-04-08 Sarah Whiteremove duplicate attributes that are handled by playbook
2021-04-06 Dan Allenmerge !142
2021-04-06 Ray Offiah
2021-03-26 Dan Allendocument the page.latest property in the UI model ...
2021-02-11 Dan Allenmerge !141
2021-01-14 Dan Allenhide toc and pagination in print styles
2021-01-04 Dan Allenmerge !138
2021-01-04 Dan Allenreference copy icon in source toolbox using img tag...
2021-01-04 Dan Allenfurther consolidate styles for navbar; remove padding...
2021-01-04 Dan Allenmerge !137
2021-01-04 Dan Allenscroll panel to bring children into view when expanding...
2021-01-04 Dan Allenadd missing .doc namespace selector for items in source...
2021-01-03 Dan Allenreorganize styles for navbar
2021-01-03 Dan Allensimplify styles that control position of navbar-end
2021-01-03 Dan Allenonly set height on navbar-brand for mobile
2020-12-30 Dan Allenminor cleanups to base styles
2020-12-30 Dan Allenrename octicons.svg to octicons-16.svg and remove size...
2020-12-30 Dan Allenadd multiple classes using DOMTokenList#add method...
2020-12-30 Dan Allensimplify computed height for nav menu panel; use var...
2020-12-30 Dan Allensimplify logic to expand nav explore panel
2020-12-30 Dan Allenuse variable to set width and height of nav toggle...
2020-12-30 Dan Allendefine toc CSS vars after doc vars
2020-12-29 Dan Allenreduce space between doctitle and embedded toc
2020-12-28 Dan Allenremove unused close icon
2020-12-28 Dan Allenright right property on page versions menu
2020-12-27 Dan Allenconsistently use background instead of background-color...
2020-12-27 Dan Allenremove needless style for page versions
2020-12-26 Dan Allenenable page version selector on mobile
2020-12-26 Dan Allenallow navbar burger to shrink
2020-12-26 Dan Allenuse background color instead of border for lines in...
2020-12-26 Dan Allenredo navbar burger using flexbox and add transition...