2018-01-11 Jason BoyerLP1741072: Fix JS test for template conversion
2018-01-10 Mike RylanderLP#1736763: Wait until the org tree is there before...
2018-01-10 Kathy LussierLP#1730758: Stamping upgrade script for luri_vis_cache
2018-01-10 Mike RylanderLP#1730758: Track record visibility on all Located...
2018-01-09 Mike RylanderLP#1736419: Bib visibility tests get OR'd
2018-01-09 Mike RylanderLP#1736419: Located URIs vs QueryParser, round 2, part...
2018-01-09 Mike RylanderLP#1736419: Located URIs vs QueryParser, round 2
2018-01-09 Cesar VelezLP#1710405 - remove Modify + Use Edits buttons in z3950...
2018-01-05 Michele MorganLP#1739676 - Web client check in LOST_AND_PAID status
2018-01-05 Jason BoyerLP1712646: Require a Billing Type to Bill User
2018-01-05 Jason BoyerLP1741072: Global String<->Num Directives for ngModel
2018-01-04 Cesar VelezLP#1691861 - make Item Status edit items in batch in...
2017-12-28 Jeanette LundgrenDocs: updated note: to NOTE: to fix asciidoc syntax...
2017-12-28 Jeanette LundgrenDocs: LP1736571 fix typo done to down
2017-12-18 Bill EricksonLP#1735807 Webstaff holdings owning lib shortname
2017-12-18 Galen CharltonLP#1729922: correctly display most recent transit in...
2017-12-18 blakelp#1724321 Web Client -- existence of record with dupli...
2017-12-17 Cesar VelezLP#1378383-WebStaff Fix Item circ history to obey max...
2017-12-07 Remington SteedDocs: Use new images for in-house use
2017-12-01 Dan WellsForward-port 2.12.8 upgrade script
2017-12-01 Dan WellsForward-port 3.0.2 upgrade script
2017-11-30 Galen Charltonrelease notes for Evergreen 2.12.8
2017-11-30 Galen Charlton3.0.2 release notes
2017-11-30 Galen CharltonLP#1178802: force ceiling dates to be end of day
2017-11-30 Mike RylanderLP#1734737: Display originating template UI
2017-11-29 Ben ShumDocs: fix list item index in basic_holds.adoc
2017-11-29 Alex Cautleylp1705133 view holds patron info redaction
2017-11-29 Dan Scott2nd level of bullets requires '**'
2017-11-29 Jason BoyerLP1714390:Remove acp Editor Formatting Frustration
2017-11-29 Chris SharpLP#1734963: Teach copy template converter about older...
2017-11-27 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade script for xul-to-web copy template...
2017-11-27 Galen CharltonLP#1691269: (follow-up) fix whitespace to match local...
2017-11-27 Galen CharltonLP#1691269: add unit test for convert_xul_templates
2017-11-27 Galen CharltonLP#1691269: include volume fields in converted copy...
2017-11-27 Galen CharltonLP#1691269: (follow-up) include new cust in seed data
2017-11-27 Jason BoyerLP1691269: Webstaff Copy Editor Templates
2017-11-20 Jason StephensonLP 1698176: Return undef with die event in Actor.pm...
2017-11-17 Jeff GodinLP#1671150 Document unaccented name index fix
2017-11-17 Jason StephensonLP#1671150 Stamp database upgrade script.
2017-11-17 Jeff GodinLP#1671150 fix unqualified unaccent call
2017-11-17 Kathy LussierLP#1708489: Adjust sample holds status
2017-11-17 Kyle HuckinsLP#1708489 Hold Shelf Print Template Additions
2017-11-17 Kathy LussierLP#1708487: Update helper text in print template
2017-11-17 Kyle HuckinsLP#1708487 Add Title and Barcode to Bill Print Templates
2017-11-17 Jeff GodinDocs: fix broken image reference
2017-11-17 Kyle Huckinslp1646210 Call Number Affixes Waiting for Copy bugfix
2017-11-17 Jane SandbergDocs: updating SIP docs
2017-11-17 Jane SandbergDocs: Set Per-OU Limits on Allowed Payment Amounts
2017-11-17 Jane SandbergMerge branch 'master' of git.evergreen-ils.org:Evergreen
2017-11-17 Jane SandbergDocs: search scope info
2017-11-17 Jane SandbergDocs: making tt2 docs more modular
2017-11-16 Angela KilsdonkDocs: Asciidoc fixes
2017-11-12 Jane SandbergDocs: small fixes to closed dates editor
2017-11-10 Galen CharltonLP#1723498: fix display of count of duplicate patrons
2017-11-10 Bill EricksonLP#1723498 Patron reg/edit dupe search repairs
2017-11-10 Bill EricksonLP#1731496 Avoid PhantomJS BroadcastChannel failure
2017-11-09 Angela KilsdonkDocs: User Buckets
2017-11-09 Angela KilsdonkDocs: Copy Tags/Digital Bookplates
2017-11-09 Angela KilsdonkDocs: Patron Search to Place Hold
2017-11-09 Angela KilsdonkDocs: Serials Module 3.0
2017-11-09 Jane SandbergDocs: Re-adding the library settings for patron self...
2017-11-09 Jane SandbergDocs: incorporating offline circ docs
2017-11-09 Galen CharltonLP#1708488: adjust how patron financial summary is...
2017-11-09 Kyle HuckinsLP#1708488 Checkout Print Template Balance Owed
2017-11-09 Jane SandbergDocs: adding introduction section to webclient offline...
2017-11-09 Galen CharltonLP#1731281: stamp database update
2017-11-09 Jane SandbergDocs: adding offline circ webclient docs to circ manual
2017-11-09 Jason BoyerLP1731281: Remove Deleted Items From acvac Table
2017-11-09 Galen CharltonLP#1724223: stamp schema update
2017-11-09 Galen CharltonLP#1724223: tweak upgrade script
2017-11-09 Jason BoyerLP1724223: Fix inherited FKEY triggers
2017-11-09 Bill EricksonLP#1724915 Webstaff auth timeout works w/ multiple...
2017-11-09 Galen CharltonLP#1728677: add release notes entry
2017-11-09 Chris SharpLP#1728677 - Add survey data to concerto test dataset.
2017-11-09 Galen CharltonLP#1717351: tweak release notes
2017-11-08 Sam LinkAdded Release Notes
2017-11-08 Sam LinkWeb Client: Make Patron Email Clickable
2017-11-08 Remington SteedDocs: Improve warning format in ebook api section
2017-11-08 Mike RylanderLP#1527731: Allow specified join order
2017-11-08 Kyle HuckinsLP#1646210 Add CN Affixes to Grids WIP
2017-11-08 Kathy LussierLP#1672435: Make BR4's sample theses copy location...
2017-11-08 Mike RylanderLP#1704396: reset the facet alarm timer
2017-11-08 Remington SteedDocs: Improve adoc list syntax in badges section
2017-11-08 Remington SteedDocs: Fix two AsciiDoc syntax warnings
2017-11-08 Galen CharltonLP#1724885: (follow-up) fix whitespace
2017-11-08 Chris SharpLP#1724885 - Alert when TCN value already exists on...
2017-11-08 Mike RylanderLP#1721636: UpUp needs to know about i18n.js for offlin...
2017-11-08 Galen CharltonLP#1721304: POT sync
2017-11-08 Cesar VelezLP#1721304 - Add labels for config.standing_penalty...
2017-11-08 Jason BoyerLP1724725: Handle ident_type2 in Web Staff User Editor
2017-11-07 Kathy LussierLP#1346381: Release notes for new shelving location...
2017-11-07 Rogan HambyLP#1346381: remove searching child org units, requireme...
2017-11-07 Galen CharltonLP#1724246: stamp schema update
2017-11-07 Galen CharltonLP#1724246: sync schema update script
2017-11-07 Jason BoyerLP1724246: asset.cache_copy_visibility fix
2017-11-07 Mike RylanderLP#1723977: Move no-LURIs test to be a peer of no-copie...
2017-11-07 blakeLP#1730692: fix two references to asset.copy_vis_attr_cache
2017-11-07 Galen CharltonLP#1145213: add schema update
2017-11-07 Galen CharltonLP#1145213: fix some typos
2017-11-07 Cesar VelezLP#1145213: add pgTAP test