2013-07-11 Dan ScottDocument the self check interface
2013-07-11 Remington SteedStaff client index: Add tooltips, restore spacing
2013-07-11 Pasi KallinenMake staff client index more user friendly
2013-07-11 Bill EricksonLP833820 repair ACQ options passing thinko
2013-07-11 Kathy LussierRelease notes entry for PO activation without loading...
2013-07-11 Bill EricksonSupport PO activation w/o loading items
2013-07-11 Mike RylanderStamping hold-cancel-via-sip upgrade script
2013-07-11 Mike RylanderUnbreaking wrong-direction conflict resolution from...
2013-07-11 Bill EricksonSIP hold cancellation support
2013-07-11 Bill EricksonNew "patron via SIP" hold cancellation reason
2013-07-11 Bill EricksonLP1190305 Loosen MARC Remove Fields retrieve perms
2013-07-11 Pasi KallinenLP1182393: 'Service' in circ offline checkout columns...
2013-07-11 Pasi KallinenUse the phrase "Add Search Row" in both advanced and...
2013-07-11 Dan ScottMaintenance message: avoid Unicode corruption, support...
2013-07-11 Steven ChanPatron Editor can enter erroneous values for Claims...
2013-07-11 Thomas BerezanskySIP2: Return slightly more hold info
2013-07-11 James FournieServer maintenance message via Apache config
2013-07-11 Dan ScottRevert 56a63f03 and try again
2013-07-11 James FournieServer maintenance message via Apache config
2013-07-10 Remington SteedRestore look of acct summary table
2013-07-10 Pasi KallinenClean up the account summary table HTML.
2013-07-10 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade script for Desk Renewal Circ Lib
2013-07-10 Ben ShumDesk Renewal at original circ library
2013-07-10 Dan WellsAdd missing oils_i18n call #2 to upgrade script
2013-07-10 Dan WellsAdd missing oils_i18n call to upgrade script
2013-07-10 Mark CooperLP1156905 lineitem worksheet sorts copies by org
2013-07-10 Dan WellsStamping upgrade for Gwich'in language typo
2013-07-10 Ben ShumLP1158206 - include upgrade script to fix Gwich'in...
2013-07-10 Pasi KallinenFix LP1158206 - The language is Gwich'in.
2013-07-10 Dan WellsStamping upgrade script for empty seed description
2013-07-10 Remington SteedLP1158211 - add upgrade script to fill empty description
2013-07-10 Pasi KallinenDescription for circ.holds.default_shelf_expire_interval
2013-07-10 Thomas BerezanskySimplified pull list: More name options
2013-07-10 Pasi KallinenLP1183414: OPAC patron opt-in settings table does not...
2013-07-10 Pasi KallinenDon't let pref_ou repeat in staff recent searches list
2013-07-10 Jason StephensonModify default logging of SIP2 in oils_ctl.sh.
2013-07-10 Pasi KallinenFix LP#1108668 by marking the internet access level...
2013-07-09 Dan ScottCorrect Linux staff client build instructions
2013-07-09 Dan ScottBuild 64-bit Linux client updates when asked
2013-07-09 Dan WellsStamping upgrade script for file-order authority subfields
2013-07-09 Mike RylanderUpgrade script for file-order authority subfields
2013-07-09 Mike RylanderPreserve record order of subfields for authority headin...
2013-07-08 Michael PetersLP#973666: Print Purchase Order does not print PO Name
2013-07-08 Bill EricksonLP1187016 Prevent new copies on activated POs
2013-07-08 Ben ShumStamping upgrade script for user barcode regex setting
2013-07-08 Thomas BerezanskyAdd registration/edit time barcode restrictions
2013-07-02 Jason Etheridgefix clear hold shelf with 25 or more holds
2013-06-27 Dan ScottAvoid 0788 duplication from 2.3 failure
2013-06-27 Dan ScottSign off on apostrophe upgrade script
2013-06-27 Mike RylanderCreate upgrade script for ingest normalization changes
2013-06-27 Dan ScottRetain index granularity with minimal bloat
2013-06-27 Mike RylanderBring back "split-brain" indexing normalization
2013-06-27 Bob WicksallReduce index bloat involving non-search_field values
2013-06-25 Mike RylanderOnly attempt to map copies once per hold
2013-06-21 Kathy LussierGenerate Password Label
2013-06-21 Dan ScottPrevent JavaScript error on non-Novelist sites
2013-06-21 Dan ScottSilence QP warning due to inappropriate cmp op
2013-06-21 Dan ScottSilence uninit var warnings from query normalizer
2013-06-21 Dan Scottreturn, not next, from eval BLOCK
2013-06-20 Bill EricksonLP1179609 ACQ lineitem identifier inline update
2013-06-19 Lebbeous Fogle... Add (noop) upgrade script for 2.2.10
2013-06-19 Bill Erickson2.3.8 stub upgrade script
2013-06-19 Dan ScottSupport script-based circ in nearest_hold()
2013-06-19 Bill EricksonLP 1177388 'Add to Po' Honors default copy count
2013-06-18 Dan ScottPrevent uninit var warnings in Search/Biblio.pm
2013-06-14 Kathy LussierFixes to MARC batch import docs
2013-06-14 Dan WellsPost-2.5-m1 whitespace fixup
2013-06-13 Bill EricksonRepair fine generator memory leak
2013-06-13 Mike RylanderUse the centralized initialization method for QP
2013-06-12 Mike RylanderSearch clicked /and/ preceding sf values
2013-06-11 Angela KilsdonkEdits to documentation
2013-06-10 Angela KilsdonkDocumentation for Binary MARC21 Feeds and search enhanc...
2013-06-10 Angela KilsdonkDocumentation for MARC Import Remove Fields
2013-06-07 Ben ShumStamping upgrade script for making state not required
2013-06-07 Ben ShumLP1079041 - making state not required (continued)
2013-06-07 Michael PetersMake the "state" field in registration a togglable...
2013-06-07 Dan WellsStamping upgrade script for purge circs fixes
2013-06-07 Jason StephensonAdd srfsh script to call action.purge_circulations().
2013-06-07 Thomas BerezanskyReturn count purged
2013-06-07 Thomas BerezanskyFix rentention typo
2013-06-07 Thomas BerezanskyPurge Circulations: Unwrapped Upgrade Script
2013-06-07 Thomas BerezanskyPurge Circulations: Allow global age as forced min
2013-06-07 Thomas BerezanskyPurge Circulations: Remove extra delete loop
2013-06-07 Thomas BerezanskyPurge Circulations: Better selection logic
2013-06-07 Thomas BerezanskyPurge Circulations: Support last xact_finished use
2013-06-07 Thomas BerezanskyPurge Circulations: Skip partially complete chains
2013-06-07 Thomas BerezanskyCirc Chain Functions should take BIGINTs
2013-06-07 Dan WellsStamping upgrade script for purge holds functionality
2013-06-07 Jason StephensonUpdate the purge_holds.txt release notes.
2013-06-07 Jason StephensonAdd table, view and trigger for "aging" hold requests...
2013-06-07 Jason StephensonAdd a purge_holds.srfsh script so it can be run from...
2013-06-07 Thomas BerezanskyFix typo in purge holds function
2013-06-07 Thomas BerezanskyRelease notes for Purge Holds routine
2013-06-07 Thomas BerezanskyFix seed values and upgrade script
2013-06-07 Thomas BerezanskyMake user visible holds based on fill/cancel time
2013-06-07 Thomas BerezanskyAdd purge_holds DB function
2013-06-07 Dan WellsWe still don't support Z30.59 or Z39.59
2013-06-07 Dan WellsStamping upgrade script for batch z39.50 search, match...
2013-06-07 Bill EricksonZ39.50 Batch Search/Overlay : SQL / IDL
2013-06-07 Bill EricksonZ39.50 Batch Search/Overlay Release Notes