2022-03-15 Dan BriemLP#1939426 Traditional Catalog Holds: Patron Info Not...
2022-03-11 Jason BoyerLP1964019: Change span tag to div to work around a...
2022-03-04 gmontimantisRevising 'Using the Public Access Catalog' page
2022-03-01 Jason BoyerUpdate Test for LP1722827 After LP1482757
2022-02-25 Michele MorganLP#1482757: stamp upgrade script
2022-02-25 Jason StephensonLP#1482757: Speed Up the Delete of Orphaned URIs in...
2022-02-25 Michele MorganLP#1482757: Delete URIs and call numbers when all 856...
2022-02-25 Michele MorganLP#1482757: Amend upgrade script to remove existing...
2022-02-25 Michele MorganLP#1482757: Remove 'orphaned_uri_list' and 'NOT cn...
2022-02-25 Mike RylanderLP#1482757: Be sure to remove all orphaned URI
2022-02-25 Mike RylanderLP#1482757: More careful Located URI remapping
2022-02-25 gmontimantisUpdate to Batch Search page
2022-02-20 Jeff GodinAvoid fleshing standing penalty org unit children
2022-02-17 Terran McCannaLP1927990 Bootstrap OPAC: Patron messages lose line...
2022-02-14 Galen CharltonLP#1949389: reduce number of PCRUD requests by subscrip...
2022-02-11 Steven CallenderLP#1946019: copyloc.js change to clear locations on...
2022-02-11 Garry CollumLP1955927_Barcode_search_fails_in_patron_search_modal
2022-02-11 Terran McCannaLP1957840 Typo fix in mcrp class in fm_IDL.xml
2022-02-10 Galen CharltonLP#1951021: account for change in OverDrive checkout...
2022-02-09 Lynn FloydAdding videos from Conferences
2022-02-09 gmontimantisDocs: Updating Opac Lists doc
2022-01-25 Jane SandbergDocs: use asciidoc ordered list rather than adding...
2022-01-25 gmontimantisDocs: updating z39.50 overlay doc and images
2022-01-25 gmontimantisDocs: Update barcode_completion_grid.jpg
2022-01-15 gmontimantisDocs: Update basic_holds.adoc
2022-01-15 gmontimantisDocs: Update basic_holds.adoc to include updated screenshot
2022-01-15 Jane SandbergDocs: add a chapter about the course materials module
2021-12-14 Jane SandbergLP 1942645: stamp upgrade script
2021-12-14 malexanderlp-1942645 term name uniqueness
2021-12-09 Jason StephensonLp 1862652: pingest.pl reingest record attributes fix
2021-12-03 Bill EricksonLP1933275 Staff catalog holdings view shows correct...
2021-12-02 Jane SandbergDocs: remove outdated screenshots
2021-12-02 gmontimantisDocs: update lsa-barcode-completion
2021-11-24 Galen CharltonLP#1949910: serialize deleting items from item bucket
2021-11-18 Jason BoyerForward Port 3.6.3 Upgrade Script
2021-11-18 gmontimantisdocs: updating batch_importing_MARC.adoc
2021-11-17 Kyle HuckinsDocs: lp1739277 Release Notes for Org Selector Styling
2021-11-17 Kyle Huckinslp1739277 OrgSelect Class Callback Holdings Implementation
2021-11-17 Bill EricksonLP1739277 Angular org selector style callback
2021-11-11 Jennifer PringleDocs: Adding latency test and disable sounds to worksta...
2021-11-11 Lynn FloydDocs: Transit List
2021-11-11 gmontimantisDocs: Update receipt_template_editor.adoc
2021-11-11 Terran McCannaLP1766726 Clarify Field Hints on Print Templates
2021-11-11 Mike RisherLP#1819233 improve AngularJS eg-basic-combo-box filtering
2021-11-11 Steven CallenderLP1906842 PLACE_UNFILLABLE_HOLD permission not working...
2021-11-05 Jeff DavisLP#1830089: close transaction and update copy status...
2021-11-05 Galen CharltonLP#1947173: stamp schema update
2021-11-05 Mike RylanderLP#1947173: Clean up bad cataloging pot hole
2021-11-05 Mike RylanderLP#1947173: Speed up the symspell part of ingest
2021-10-29 Jason StephensonForward-port 3.7.2 version upgrade script
2021-10-29 Jason StephensonTranslation updates - newpot
2021-10-29 Jason StephensonRemove extraneous release notes documents
2021-10-25 Andrea Buntz... Docs: corrections to Hold Groups Admin doc
2021-10-25 Andrea Buntz... Docs: corrections to Library Groups Admin doc
2021-10-25 Jason StephensonDocs: More 3.6.5 and 3.7.2 release notes cleanup
2021-10-25 Jason StephensonDocs: Fix previous release notes addition
2021-10-25 Jason StephensonDocs: Add an upgrade note to the 3.7.2 and 3.6.5 releas...
2021-10-25 Andrea Buntz... Docs: updates to 3.7.2 and 3.6.5 release notes
2021-10-22 Andrea Buntz... docs: edit to 3.7.2 release notes
2021-10-22 Andrea Buntz... docs: release notes 3.6.5
2021-10-22 Andrea Buntz... docs: release notes 3.7.2
2021-10-21 Andrea Buntz... docs: fixes to 3.7 report sources doc
2021-10-12 Bill EricksonLP1903358 Staff catalog holds barcode realtime lookup
2021-10-04 Galen CharltonLP#1826759: end DB update scripts with "COMMIT", not...
2021-10-04 Galen CharltonLP#1922567: stamp schema update
2021-10-04 Jason StephensonLp 1922567: Limit authority.full_rec.value indexes
2021-09-27 Jason StephensonLp 1826759: Stamping Upgrade Script
2021-09-27 Jason StephensonLp 1826759: Fix Database Upgrade Script
2021-09-27 Shula LinkLp 1826759: Spelling correction: oustanding to outstanding
2021-09-27 Jason StephensonLp 1942920: Show Legacy/Not Dated for Legacy Circs
2021-09-24 Galen CharltonLP#1944765: enable the Apache module mod_headers
2021-09-24 Shula LinkLP1834258 Replace Javascript with Placeholder Attribute
2021-09-24 Bill EricksonLP1938729 Cache "cascade" setting values
2021-09-24 Terran McCannaLP1909144 BooPAC Login Form Tabbing
2021-09-23 Josh StomproLP#1924562 - pingest.pl help typo for --max-duration
2021-09-23 Bill EricksonLP1911023 Batch hold cancel refreshes before completion
2021-09-23 Jason StephensonLp 1899974: Export PERL5LIB in oils_ctl.sh
2021-09-23 Galen CharltonLP#1928275: fix the Angular "Copy Queue To Bucket"
2021-09-23 Bill EricksonLP1924621 Place Hold For shows pref name
2021-09-23 Garry CollumLP1924621 Staff catalog place hold screen preferred...
2021-09-23 Bill EricksonLP1941764 Import from queue propagate form inputs
2021-09-22 Jason BoyerLP1920253: Stamp Upgrade Script
2021-09-22 MicheleLP1920253 Add missing carousel workstation setting...
2021-09-21 Galen CharltonLP#1844121: prevent staff login by expired barcode
2021-09-21 Terran McCannaLP1904754 Former precat still displays precat info
2021-09-21 Galen CharltonLP#1916949: combobox: asyncSupportsEmptyTermClick fix
2021-09-21 Bill EricksonLP1903357 Angstcat Hold Activate Date Validation
2021-09-20 Adam BowlingLP1937875: Remove GitHub reference from package.js
2021-09-20 Dan BriemLP#1917338 Angular: Holdings view column picker missing...
2021-09-20 Jason BoyerLP1908614: Show the Age Hold Protection name in the...
2021-09-20 Terran McCannaLP1786971 z39.50 incorporate Bill's changes
2021-09-20 Bill EricksonLP1786971 TCN fetching and maintenance tweaks
2021-09-20 Terran McCannaLP1786971 z39.50 add TCN to overlay popups as well
2021-09-20 Jessica WoolfordLP1786971 z39.50 using TCN instead of ID
2021-09-20 Tiffany LittleLP1906826: Changes column header for purchase order...
2021-09-20 Josh StomproLP1866667 - Clear current_copy when pickup_lib is chang...
2021-09-20 Josh StomproLP#1821804 - Cloned patron address set to pending
2021-09-20 Jason Etheridgelp1859502 fix A/T ApplyPatronPenalty reactor
2021-09-08 Terran McCannaLP1752356 Offline Block List Download Date
2021-09-08 Bill EricksonLP1752356 Offline expired patrons download date additions