2010-11-05 gmcundo premature commit
2010-11-05 gmcmissed database update script
2010-11-05 dbsKeep the hierarchy in line for O:A:S:Publisher::action.pm
2010-11-05 dbsInitial support for recall of items triggered by placin...
2010-11-05 gmcremove aupr.request_time fix from 1.6.1-2.0 upgrade
2010-11-05 senatorAddress https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/2.0/+bug...
2010-11-05 gmcfix user password reset request time column def
2010-11-05 mikerremove some extra rollbacks, and catch the failure...
2010-11-05 phasefxPatch from Benjamin Shum for the staff client button...
2010-11-04 senatorQuick IDL change to enable limited use of reporter...
2010-11-04 senatorNet::uFTP isn't giving us needed functionality
2010-11-04 mikercut down on reloading of IDL classes
2010-11-04 phasefxmore opac login form tweaks. This should work in Firef...
2010-11-04 gmcadd TT helper to squeeze strings into the UNOB straitjacket
2010-11-03 gmcblimey
2010-11-03 mikeradd the Batch Bib Update module to startup.pl
2010-11-03 gmcflip sense of spending limit check
2010-11-03 senatorAcq: Don't forget invoice items (extra charges, not...
2010-11-02 senatorSurely this was meant to go here :-)
2010-11-02 senatorShow money spent from each fund in an invoice voucher...
2010-11-02 mikerPatch from Steve Callender to address a booking-related...
2010-11-02 gmcadd definition for UPC line item attribute
2010-11-02 gmcenable authoritative versions of various acq retrieval...
2010-11-02 gmcdon't break up title and author when ingesting acquisit...
2010-11-02 ericksonAutoFieldWidget linked class autoloaders, etc.
2010-11-02 ericksonML provider retrieval enhancements
2010-11-02 ericksonin SIP patron retrieval, only fetch non-archived penalt...
2010-11-02 dbsEnable merge of authority records to do the right thing
2010-11-01 gmcyet another replication race condition fix
2010-11-01 phasefxmore compatability tweaks for login form. Each browser...
2010-11-01 mikerMake vandelay.add_field smarter about applying add...
2010-11-01 dbsReplace hard-coded '(CONS)' for MARC control number...
2010-11-01 dbsEnsure that changes to authority records propagate...
2010-11-01 mikerwe should not restrict to the top org only, get all...
2010-11-01 mikerthere is no atomic version, of course ... it is all...
2010-11-01 mikerkeep 1.6.1-2.0 upgrade script in sync
2010-11-01 mikerversion number missed in previous update
2010-11-01 mikerImprove hold permit testing
2010-11-01 phasefxthis wraps the input elements used for opac login in...
2010-11-01 phasefxsyntax
2010-11-01 gmclet libraries allow funds to be overcommitted
2010-11-01 mikeradd copy counts to the holdings xml format -- one more...
2010-10-29 gmcadjust quoting of phrase searches
2010-10-29 gmcloosen cross-check of line item ID when processing...
2010-10-28 gmcwrap some EDI message retrievals in transactions
2010-10-28 senatorConfig UIs for hard due dates and their values
2010-10-28 phasefxPut a placeholder row into the checkin list to better...
2010-10-28 ericksoncalling noop with no arguments (and not capturing the...
2010-10-28 senatorAlternate Serial Control UI misc bugfixes, minor tweaks...
2010-10-28 phasefxbring trunk's version of 1.6.1-2.0-upgrade-db.sql inlin...
2010-10-28 ericksoncondensed SIP patron lookup by barcode into 1 cstore...
2010-10-28 dbsNormalize whitespace in O:A:Cat
2010-10-28 dbsEnsure call numbers are returned to the holdings editor...
2010-10-27 senatorIf we already know we're not using booking, skip a...
2010-10-27 phasefxexperiment: asynchronous check-in via checkbox toggle...
2010-10-27 ericksonmore micro-optimization of checkin code;
2010-10-27 mikerShould not be included in the 2.0 upgrade script -...
2010-10-27 mikerMove towards unnest (faster than explode_array); bring...
2010-10-27 ericksonsince they typically repeat, cache the org and requesto...
2010-10-27 senatorBooking: make the circ module avoid booking code if...
2010-10-27 mikerAnd ... move the CIRC_CLAIMS_RETURNED event check back up
2010-10-27 mikerMove generate_fines_finish even further down the do_che...
2010-10-27 phasefxtruth in advertising. label change
2010-10-27 phasefxGive staff the ability to select a circ lib and user...
2010-10-27 gmcremove unused settings and permission
2010-10-27 mikerSplit fine generation into call/gather parts; call...
2010-10-27 mikerA tool for interning CSS @import declarations, strippin...
2010-10-27 ericksonadded grid autoHeight to distrib formula page to preven...
2010-10-27 senatorAcq: Make the distribution formula UI page like it...
2010-10-27 gmcfix glitch in escaping call number labels
2010-10-27 phasefxView Source option for embedded browser (click on the...
2010-10-26 senatorCopy template editor was still glitchy on create. No...
2010-10-26 mikerMore reordering of JS. Helps for simple interfaces...
2010-10-26 mikerallow openils.XUL to work (and report false for isXUL...
2010-10-26 gmcfix NACO normalization of four letter modifier characters
2010-10-26 mikermove the "I need a transaction" marker into the called...
2010-10-26 mikerJS reordering to account for readyState event leakage...
2010-10-26 mikerinclude more information in the debugging dump; correct...
2010-10-25 phasefxFloating field in alternate item details UI
2010-10-25 mikerquickly, before anyone notices ... minor speed enhancem...
2010-10-25 mikerBring 1.6.1-2.0 upgrade script in line with reality
2010-10-25 mikerIn 2.0+ we require PG 8.4+ which means we have WITH...
2010-10-25 mikerDump some debugging output from clark; may later make...
2010-10-25 dbsImproved subject formatting on summary page, and better...
2010-10-22 ericksonfurther protection against dreaded opac bank page;...
2010-10-22 mikerUse standard JS syntax; var [...] seems to be a Spiderm...
2010-10-22 mikertypo in setTimeout spotted by dbs
2010-10-22 senatorAcq: fix minor bug, sometimes view/place orders interfa...
2010-10-22 mikerMove dojo loading around to avoid the "white screen...
2010-10-21 senatorSerials: in alt serial controls, subscription details...
2010-10-21 phasefxilsevent is no longer a number, but a string. I knew...
2010-10-21 gmcadding database update missed in previous commit
2010-10-21 gmcimprove call number sorting
2010-10-20 gmcuse a transaction when searching for the nearest hold...
2010-10-20 phasefxPatch from tsbere for new tab versus current tab behavi...
2010-10-20 ericksonadded some time diagnostics to checkin process; more...
2010-10-20 mikerThese fields exist ... tell the IDL about them
2010-10-20 mikeradd start_date and end_date to scap serialization
2010-10-20 phasefxdon't allow inactive cards with web-selfcheck
2010-10-20 senatorRemove accidental duplicated line