2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Combobox supports domId input
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron editor continued
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Fix date select button alignment
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 patron edit
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron groups; patron edit
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron group details UI
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Allow newlines/spaces in long field lists
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Lint
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron stat cats
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 patron survey responses
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Verify patron credentials
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 billing statement detail grids
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Grid toolbarLabel option
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 billing statement
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 billing statement
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 billing statement
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 adjust to zero, refunds
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 void all billings action
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 add billing and more
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Payment receipts
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Bills, Current admin UI sample data
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Option to hide Holds grid popup dialog
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Billing / payments
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 current bills receipt
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 patron tab counts
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 open circ exists dialog; billing
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Billing / payments
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Billing; credit card form
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Billing continued
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Billing continued
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Bills tab
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Bills wireframing
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Update stats after checkout; quite warning
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 place new hold button/action
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 patron summary pref name; penalties
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 print/copy patron address; summary styling
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 lint
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 add billings
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 add billings and more
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 events and overrides
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Alert dialog honors dialogTitle when present
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 events and overrides
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Renew with due date
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Renew all; initial events override dialog
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Renew; Batch Checkout/Renew; shared circ...
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Claims never checked out
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Claims returned
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Claims returned; circ notices
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron alerts page continued
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron alerts page; resolver service
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Move precat dialog to shared circ service
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron noncat count display
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Mark items lost
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Mark missing; initial checkin api
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Mark damaged; canceled holds display repair
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Edit due date; styling overdues
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron items out: printing
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron items out grid; shared circ grid;...
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Noncat batch retrieval API
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron items out grid; shared circ grid
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Angular login now handles routeTo
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Barcode completion continued
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Barcode completion dialog
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 checkout continued; grid actions
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 precat checkouts
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 precat dialog
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Prompt dialog focus input followup
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Prompt dialog focus input; submit on enter
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron ui checkout tab
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron ui checkout tab
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron ui checkout tab
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron ui checkout tab; noncats
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Prompt dialog gets input type and min/max
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron UI lint repairs; sanity checks
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron UI; search persistence
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron UI; canceled holds
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 patron Ui holds tabs
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 patron UI noncat/holds summary
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 patron expire check
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Angular Patron UI initial structures
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Grid rowSelectionChange Output
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron search form improvements
2022-10-28 Bill EricksonLP1904036 Patron sesarch form improvements
2022-10-27 Galen CharltonLP#1724032: add release note entry
2022-10-27 Terran McCannaLP1724032 Permisson Group on Hold Shelf Slip Print...
2022-10-27 Jane SandbergLP1951996 release notes
2022-10-27 Galen CharltonLP#1818303: add release note
2022-10-27 Dan BriemLP1818303 Add Approval Code to Bill History Grid
2022-10-27 Garry CollumLP1951996 Preferred names in group member details
2022-10-27 Galen CharltonLP#1864507: (follow-up) fix seed data and schema update
2022-10-27 Jane SandbergLP1952931 release notes
2022-10-27 Jane SandbergLP1952931 stamp upgrade script
2022-10-27 Bill EricksonLP1952931 Support ACQ Advanced Shipment Notices (DESADV...
2022-10-27 Jane SandbergLP#1964629 release note
2022-10-27 Michele MorganLP#1964629 - Item Status - add column for Total Circs
2022-10-27 Jane SandbergLP#1864507 follow-up, stamp upgrade script, and release...
2022-10-27 Mike RylanderLP#1864507: Improve browse by removing more ISBD
2022-10-27 Michele MorganLP1396764 - Stamping upgrade script
2022-10-27 Michele MorganLP1396764 - Add Release Notes
2022-10-27 Michele MorganLP1396764 - Apply Hours of Operation Note Field to...