2011-08-16 Lebbeous Fogle... Keep the logging output of the EDI translator by default
2011-08-16 Jason EtheridgeLP#820409 fix org unit admin UI
2011-08-16 Mike RylanderStamped upgrades for LP#825303
2011-08-16 Galen Charltonreturn only the one applicable OU setting value
2011-08-16 Galen Charltonlp#825303: fix cat.default_classification_scheme lookup
2011-08-13 Mike RylanderStamped upgrade script for "lp 823496: do not fail...
2011-08-13 Galen Charltonlp 823496: don't fail to index personal names that...
2011-08-12 Bill EricksonVandelay: capture one match per catalog record
2011-08-12 Jason StephensonAdd some additional logging in SIP/Transaction/Feepayme...
2011-08-12 Jason StephensonAdd OILS_SIP_MSG_BILL_ERR for when an error occurs...
2011-08-12 Jason StephensonAdd event textcode as alternative to descr in FeePaymen...
2011-08-12 Jason StephensonBail from fee payment if no bills are found.
2011-08-12 Jason StephensonAdd SIP2 fee payment, the 37/38 message/response pairs.
2011-08-12 Thomas BerezanskyDon't escape_html numbers in util/print.js
2011-08-12 Thomas BerezanskyEscape HTML characters in template subs
2011-08-12 Thomas BerezanskyUse openDialog to make go_print workaround vanish
2011-08-12 Thomas BerezanskyAdd openDialog to window class
2011-08-12 Jason EtheridgeNo more lightpink for disabled copy editor
2011-08-12 Jason Etheridgein lieu of Ready Item Editor
2011-08-12 Mike RylanderStamped upgrade script for "For vandelay bib matching...
2011-08-12 Lebbeous Fogle... For vandelay bib matching, make 020, 022, 024 tags...
2011-08-12 Bill EricksonRemoved errant '-' causing sql syntax failure
2011-08-10 Jason EtheridgeTweak Override Dialog so that the text can wrap
2011-08-10 Jason EtheridgeTweak wording for Checkout's Override Once feature
2011-08-10 Thomas BerezanskyAdd note that overrides will stay for the session
2011-08-10 Thomas BerezanskyAllow "override once per patron" at checkout
2011-08-10 Bill EricksonStream records to ML for Vandelay queue export
2011-08-09 Bill EricksonGranular invalid data detection for Vandelay item import
2011-08-09 Bill EricksonShow copy status/location names in Vandelay items grid
2011-08-09 Thomas BerezanskyStamping upgrade scripts for LP#818740
2011-08-09 Jason EtheridgeOrg setting for the result cap for Patron Search
2011-08-09 Jason EtheridgeFix stop sign page race condition with checkout
2011-08-09 Thomas BerezanskyTell OPAC to use checkin date, not stop_fines date
2011-08-09 Jason Etheridgeusername login for web selfcheck
2011-08-09 Jason Etheridgeaction for marking items claimed never checked out
2011-08-09 Mike RylanderStamped upgrade scripts for LP#797409
2011-08-09 Jason EtheridgeIgn Reshelving->Available for status_changed_time
2011-08-09 Jason EtheridgeRobustify SKIP_ASSET_CHANGE functionality
2011-08-09 Jason EtheridgeOffline checkin & renewal checks, & ou settings
2011-08-09 Atom EdoceoLP#797409: Offline Transaction - Option to Skip Old...
2011-08-08 Lebbeous Fogle... Whoops. Do that availability test regard of whether...
2011-08-08 Lebbeous Fogle... In a middle-layer method for returning holdable formats...
2011-08-05 Jason Etheridgemrpeters caught this; wrong variable fed to error dialog
2011-08-04 Bill EricksonRepaired copy private/public note vandelay bug
2011-08-04 Thomas BerezanskyRevert "remove the unfinished id_as_barcode functionality"
2011-08-04 Jason Etheridgeremove the unfinished id_as_barcode functionality
2011-08-04 Mike RylanderStamped upgrade script for ACQ_INVOICE_REOPEN permissio...
2011-08-04 Jason StephensonUpgrade script for LP818311 branch.
2011-08-04 Michael PetersLP#818311: ACQ_INVOICE_REOPEN is missing
2011-08-04 Dan ScottFix i18n build
2011-08-04 Jason EtheridgeFix staff client Clear Expired Hold Shelf action
2011-08-04 Thomas BerezanskyOnly update MARC on full entry of fixed fields
2011-08-04 Mike RylanderStamped upgrade script for schema.circ_holds_history_re...
2011-08-04 Bill EricksonRepair holds history func; sort circ history desc.
2011-08-03 Lebbeous Fogle... Merge branch 'master' of git://git.evergreen-ils.org...
2011-08-03 Lebbeous Fogle... Cast needed
2011-08-03 Mike RylanderStamped upgrade script for more_cache_visbility_breakage
2011-08-03 Thomas BerezanskyUnwrapped upgrade script
2011-08-03 Thomas BerezanskyExtraneous semicolons break SQL
2011-08-03 Jason EtheridgeFix overzealous template application
2011-08-03 Jason Etheridgerobustify (and klunkify) unified volume copy creator
2011-08-03 Jason Etheridgelp#792595: Don't allow pre-cats into record buckets...
2011-08-03 James FournieThis adds a SAN box to the org unit editor's address...
2011-08-03 Mike RylanderUpgrade script for a patch from Steven Callender addres...
2011-08-03 Liam WhalenDeleted a line the removed single quotes (') from searc...
2011-08-03 Mike Rylander2.0-2.1 upgrade integration of a patch from Steven...
2011-08-03 Mike RylanderUpgrade script for a patch from Steven Callender addres...
2011-08-03 Steven CallenderA fix so that the last payment types will be cash_payme...
2011-08-03 Mike RylanderQuote container id param for safety
2011-08-03 Mike RylanderMerge branch 'QP_bucket_filter' of git.evergreen-ils...
2011-08-03 Mike RylanderMerge branch 'master' of git.evergreen-ils.org:Evergree...
2011-08-02 Lebbeous Fogle... Fixed some syntax errors, but getting no results when...
2011-08-02 Joseph LewisRemove craftsman skin.
2011-08-02 Mike RylanderMerge branch 'QP_bucket_filter' of git.evergreen-ils...
2011-08-02 Mike RylanderActually JOIN the VALUES list; syntax copy/paste-o...
2011-08-02 Mike RylanderAdd cointainer() and record_list() filters to QueryParser
2011-08-02 Mike RylanderActually JOIN the VALUES list; syntax copy/paste-o...
2011-08-02 Mike RylanderMerge branch 'master' of git.evergreen-ils.org:Evergree...
2011-08-02 Galen Charltonlp758945: make receipt template macros repeatable
2011-08-02 Thomas BerezanskyMerge branch 'master' of git://git.evergreen-ils.org...
2011-08-02 Dan ScottFormat an unordered list appropriately
2011-08-02 Dan ScottProvide Fedora-friendly instructions for the DBD libraries
2011-08-02 Dan ScottBring more of the wiki docs over to the README
2011-08-02 Dan ScottUpdate the README to include database installation...
2011-08-02 Bill EricksonFixed typo in vandelay UI
2011-08-02 Bill EricksonMerge branch 'master' of git.evergreen-ils.org:Evergreen
2011-08-02 Bill EricksonStamped upgrade script for user/miker/replace_field_fix
2011-08-02 Mike RylanderHave replace_field return input XML when no replace...
2011-08-02 Lebbeous Fogle... Merge branch 'rec_attr_def_config_avoid_cxt_fetch'
2011-08-02 Bill EricksonAvoid xml_transform retrieval in record attr def editor
2011-08-02 Thomas BerezanskyAdd the new patron retrieval to the toolbar
2011-08-02 Jason EtheridgeLabel tweaks re: Database ID vs Record ID, etc.
2011-08-02 Jason EtheridgeAdd "Retrieve patron via Database ID" menu entry
2011-08-02 Jason Etheridgecalculate penalties when letting Mark Item Damaged...
2011-08-02 Thomas BerezanskyFix oils_i18n_gettext id numbers
2011-08-01 Bill EricksonAutoFieldWidget support for augmenting pcrud search...
2011-07-31 Jason Etheridgeuse isNaN here, since NaN == NaN => false
2011-07-28 Dan ScottFix broken builds due to test that can't find its data
2011-07-28 Lebbeous Fogle... Make users confirm they really want to delete lineitems...
2011-07-28 Bill EricksonStamped upgrade for user/dbs/oclcnumbers