2012-05-22 Mike RylanderGive the PG QP driver a subquery callback for the new...
2012-05-22 Mike RylanderTeach QueryParser about search filter callbacks, and...
2012-05-22 Bill EricksonSearch Filter Groups and Generic Queries : DB / IDL
2012-05-22 Bill EricksonQuery Parser merged copy / non-dynamic filters
2012-05-22 Bill EricksonQuery Parser nested dynamic filters
2012-05-22 Bill EricksonQueryParser test script
2012-05-21 Dan ScottUse spaces instead of tabs in QueryParser.pm
2012-05-21 Lebbeous Fogle... Makes a warning go away when running fts-replacement...
2012-05-21 Dan ScottFix typo in TEST_SETUP for QueryParser.pm
2012-05-21 Mike Rylanderabstract query representations from QueryParser
2012-05-21 Dan ScottQueryParser: comma-delimit multiple WITH clauses
2012-05-21 Jason StephensonAdd libnet-https-any-perl as precise deb requirement...
2012-05-21 Bill EricksonQP support for nested WITH construction
2012-05-17 Dan ScottOptimize full text search with a CTE
2012-05-17 Bill EricksonVandelay authority existing queue search repair
2012-05-14 Lebbeous Fogle... Avoid collisions of normalized values going into metabi...
2012-05-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Be more prepared for malformed serial holding code...
2012-05-11 Dan ScottMove PLPERL dropping outside of 2.1-2.2 upgrade transaction
2012-05-11 Thomas BerezanskyAdd missing weights fm_IDL entries
2012-05-10 Lebbeous Fogle... In the 2.1-2.2 upgrade script, move 0691 into a failure...
2012-05-10 Thomas BerezanskyVersion Upgrade Cleanup
2012-05-10 Bill EricksonCheck if transaction needs closing after adding billings
2012-05-10 Thomas BerezanskyNearest Hold: Look at 100 instead of 10 holds
2012-05-10 Thomas BerezanskyHold Capture: Run permit tests on "old" holds
2012-05-10 Thomas BerezanskyHold Editing: Retarget on some changes
2012-05-10 Thomas BerezanskyHold Targeter: Ensure old best still valid
2012-05-10 Thomas BerezanskyDefault email/phone hold pickup in TPac
2012-05-09 Thomas BerezanskyRetarget Local Holds: Use part ID properly
2012-05-09 Lebbeous Fogle... TPAC: Keep site() and depth() out of basic search box...
2012-05-09 Thomas BerezanskyFix hold has copy at lookup
2012-05-09 Bill EricksonAdding a small pile of missing permissions
2012-05-09 Bill EricksonTPAC: repair staff client End link for showing last...
2012-05-09 Bill EricksonTPAC: more intelligent detail paging #1
2012-05-09 Thomas BerezanskyTPac: Barcodes default to starting with digits
2012-05-09 Bradley M.... Consensus was reached to remove editor-specific globs...
2012-05-09 Lebbeous Fogle... AutoSuggest: Escape ampersands properly
2012-05-08 Steven Callenderlp996776: Patch to fix the response if no configured...
2012-05-08 Thomas BerezanskyStop saving patron barcode in cookies
2012-05-08 Dan ScottRoll back libjs version to 1.7.0
2012-05-08 James FournieWe can't assume that 0526 was in fact run previously...
2012-05-08 Galen Charltonfix typo in CC payment form
2012-05-07 James FournieUpgrade 0704 was missing from the 2.1-2.2 upgrade script.
2012-05-04 Bill EricksonStamping upgrade for 'inheritied' typo repair
2012-05-04 Dan ScottFix "inheritied" typo in global flag
2012-05-04 Dan ScottFix typo in TPAC noticed by Warren Layton
2012-05-04 Lebbeous Fogle... Add missing upgrade scripts 0705, 0707 to point-to...
2012-05-04 Dan ScottPrereqs: Remove Ubuntu Hardy references
2012-05-04 Dan ScottPrereqs: update to latest available versions
2012-05-04 Dan ScottPrereqs: Remove references to CentOS / RHEL
2012-05-04 Dan WellsAllow subscriptions at org units without volumes
2012-05-03 Dan ScottAdd indexes to 2.1.2 upgrade script to speed up acq...
2012-05-03 Mike RylanderAdd ISSN fix to the version upgrade script
2012-05-02 Jason EtheridgeAddress date sorting in Item Status and Copy Buckets...
2012-05-02 Lebbeous Fogle... Fix date sorting in patron-related XUL interfaces
2012-05-02 Jeff GodinFix LP 984039: correct Syndetic Kirkus Reviews
2012-05-02 Thomas BerezanskyFix some "null" instead of blank values in JSPac
2012-05-01 Dan ScottRelease notes: clean up and introduce TPAC
2012-05-01 Kathy LussierLP992377: More 2.2 release notes from Kathy Lussier
2012-04-30 Galen Charltonadditions to release notes for 2.2
2012-04-28 Bill EricksonVandelay match set permission additions
2012-04-28 Dan ScottUpdate POT files for translators
2012-04-28 Dan ScottUpdate translations from Launchpad
2012-04-28 Lebbeous Fogle... Constrain serial.issuance.holding_code to be valid...
2012-04-28 Michael PetersRemove the "print_nav.tt2" from the TTPAC Password...
2012-04-28 Bill EricksonAdd missing ADMIN_ORG_UNIT_CUSTOM_TREE permission
2012-04-28 Dan ScottTPAC: Instrument the search results page
2012-04-28 Galen Charltontweak wording - ChangeLogs are generated during release
2012-04-28 Bradley M.... ChangeLog shouldn't merely be empty; it should tell...
2012-04-28 Bradley M.... autoreconf -f -i appears to clobber our own INSTALL...
2012-04-28 Bradley M.... AUTHORS, NEWS, and INSTALL files should actually have...
2012-04-27 Ben ShumDo not hide copy counts from results in staff client.
2012-04-25 Lebbeous Fogle... Apply timelog() to TPAC record detail page
2012-04-25 Dan ScottInstrument the TPAC: add timelog() method to EGCatLoader
2012-04-25 Lebbeous Fogle... Merge remote branch 'working/user/dbwells/serial_items_...
2012-04-23 Jason Etheridgeunsaved data loophole
2012-04-23 Dan ScottBootstrap via "autoreconf -f -i" instead of "autogen.sh"
2012-04-17 Dan WellsClean up and refine serial note support, part 3
2012-04-17 Dan WellsClean up and refine serial note support, part 2
2012-04-17 Dan WellsClean up and refine serial note support, part 1
2012-04-17 Dan WellsLimit excess serial data fetching
2012-04-17 Dan WellsBetter Prediction for Incomplete Chronologies
2012-04-17 Lebbeous Fogle... Acq: Refactor General Search for more smarts and speed
2012-04-13 Thomas BerezanskyMore patron display css tweaks
2012-04-13 Jason Etheridgeadd more penalty related CSS hooks
2012-04-13 Galen Charltonlp#980303: don't complain about missing plperl
2012-04-13 Dan ScottTPAC: Clear params when viewing lists in search results
2012-04-13 Dan ScottAdd pref_ou query filter for preferred library searching
2012-04-11 Thomas BerezanskyNicer staff searches display in record details
2012-04-10 Jason Etheridgefix sort bug introduced with multi-sort
2012-04-10 Jason EtheridgeFix bill selection in the billing interface
2012-04-09 Thomas BerezanskyBump 2.2 beta version number in upgrade script
2012-04-09 Dan Scotti18n: Robustify db-seed-i18n.py parsing
2012-04-09 Dan ScottTPAC: Integrate i18n for TPAC into build process
2012-04-09 Dan ScottTPAC: Protect against requests for non-existent records
2012-04-09 Mike RylanderProtect against empty default_CD_modifiers in opensrf.xml
2012-04-09 Lebbeous Fogle... Avoid too-strict controller checks when fleshing for...
2012-04-09 Bill EricksonOrg Unit Custom Tree supports add directly after delete
2012-04-09 Bill EricksonOrg unit custom tree sort repairs
2012-04-09 Dan ScottBug 957453: Fix error in database seed data
2012-04-09 Dan ScottREADME: Clarify PostgreSQL 9.1 vs. 9.0 remote server...