2019-06-21 Dan WellsLP#1759343 Clean up data seed values
2019-06-21 Dan WellsLP#1759343 Fix annotate payment setting name
2019-06-20 Galen CharltonLP#1833080: have eg-bool recognize IDL bool string...
2019-06-20 Bill EricksonLP1823041 Confirm dialog returns true/false repairs
2019-06-20 Bill EricksonLP1823041 Observable dialogs repairs and cleanup
2019-06-20 Bill EricksonLP1823041 Remove unintentially merged code blocks
2019-06-20 Jane SandbergLP1823041: Converting new dialogs to observables
2019-06-20 Bill EricksonLP1823041 Angular dialogs return observables
2019-06-19 Jane SandbergDocs: 3.3.2 release notes
2019-06-19 Jane SandbergDocs: Release notes for 3.2.7
2019-06-19 Jane SandbergDocs: 3.1.13 release notes
2019-06-18 Mike Risherlp1770217 Items Out count shouldn't increment on renew
2019-06-17 Jane SandbergLP1803787 (follow-up) removing unnecessary arguments
2019-06-17 Bill EricksonLP1803787 Migrate grid action/button click handlers...
2019-06-17 Bill EricksonLP1803787 Grid actions menu tabindex
2019-06-17 Jane SandbergLP1803787: Add keyboard support (Shift+F10)
2019-06-17 Bill EricksonLP1803787 Grid toolbar actions menu component; cleanup
2019-06-17 Bill EricksonLP1803787 Grid context retains selection; lint
2019-06-17 Bill EricksonLP1803787 Grid actions context menu
2019-06-17 Bill EricksonLP1803787 Grid toolbar action separators
2019-06-13 Jane SandbergLP1759343: Stamping upgrade: annotate payment setting
2019-06-13 Jane SandbergLP1759343 (follow-up): Add bill annotation setting...
2019-06-13 Jason BoyerLP1759343: Bills Annotation Persistance
2019-06-13 Jane SandbergLP#1831786 (follow-up): release note for cross-tab...
2019-06-13 Galen CharltonLP#1831786: add demo of cross-tab communications
2019-06-13 Galen CharltonLP#1812900: fix retention of saved defaults in holdings...
2019-06-13 Sam LinkLP#1796914: Right Navbar Menu Title
2019-05-31 Jason StephensonLP 115706: Avoid Internal Server Errors with Hold Count...
2019-05-31 Kyle HuckinsLP#1789256 Monograph Part Column in Check Out
2019-05-31 Kyle Huckinslp1789257 Items Out Monograph Part Column
2019-05-30 McCannaLP#1816180 Pending Patron - No Address Type
2019-05-29 Galen CharltonLP#1830972: update pin and add comments about keeping...
2019-05-29 Bill EricksonLP1823367 Angular lint repairs
2019-05-29 Bill EricksonLP1821382 Initials Serials menu; button styling
2019-05-29 Bill EricksonLP1820304 Ang catalog copy/volume hold links
2019-05-29 Bill EricksonLP1819745 Ang staff result page link repairs
2019-05-29 Bill EricksonLP1819498 Release Notes - Staff Cat CN Browse
2019-05-29 Bill EricksonLP1819498 Angular staff catalog call number browse
2019-05-29 Bill EricksonLP1819053 Release notes - basket export
2019-05-29 Bill EricksonLP1819053 Angular staff catalog basket export
2019-05-29 Bill EricksonLP1821382 Grid showDeclaredFieldsOnly option; sort...
2019-05-29 Bill EricksonLP1821382 Make items bookable (part 2)
2019-05-29 Bill EricksonLP1821382 Make items bookable (part 1)
2019-05-29 Bill EricksonLP1821382 Conjoined items grid
2019-05-29 Bill EricksonLP1821382 Booking menu entry placeholders
2019-05-29 Bill EricksonLP1821382 Conjoined linking repairs
2019-05-29 Bill EricksonLP1821382 Link as conjoined items menu action
2019-05-29 Bill EricksonLP1821382 Grid scroll menu repairs
2019-05-29 Bill EricksonLP1821382 Add Items to Bucket menu action
2019-05-29 Bill EricksonLP1821382 Angular lint repairs
2019-05-29 Bill EricksonLP1821382 Request items menu action
2019-05-29 Bill EricksonLP1821382 Delete volcopy menu actions
2019-05-29 Bill EricksonLP1821382 Angular holdings maintenance continued.
2019-05-29 Bill EricksonLP1821382 Angular boolean yes/no display component
2019-05-29 Bill EricksonLP1821382 Angular grid inline load progress indicator.
2019-05-29 Bill EricksonLP1821382 Angular grid optoin to disable paging
2019-05-29 Bill EricksonLP1821382 Angular staff catalog Holdings Maintenance
2019-05-29 Geoff SamsDocs: LP1776913: Fixes references to Circulation Limit...
2019-05-29 Geoff SamsLP1776913: Corrects Local Administration menu to use...
2019-05-29 Bill EricksonLP1748265 Hold fetch API sms_carrier option
2019-05-29 Garry CollumLP#1748265 SMS Carrier not an option in the patron...
2019-05-29 Galen CharltonLP#1736967: (follow-up) add release notes entry
2019-05-29 Sam LinkLP1736967 Primary a CSS Styling Fix
2019-05-29 Garry CollumLP1772206 Tooltips missing from Patron Summary
2019-05-24 Dan PearlLP1760893 Add Holdings Part dropdown should list items...
2019-05-24 Bill OttLP#1772028 Add some FK violation functions just in...
2019-05-24 Bill EricksonLP1817332 Stamping ugprade: timezone examples
2019-05-24 Galen CharltonLP#1817332: (follow-up) tweak description
2019-05-24 Remington SteedLP#1817332 Add example to lib.timezone setting description
2019-05-24 Bill EricksonLP1819181 Stamping upgrade: DoB example setting
2019-05-24 Jason BoyerLP1819181: Example DOB for Patron Reg/Edit
2019-05-24 Galen CharltonLP#1642337: more tweaks to the patch series
2019-05-24 Jason BoyerLP1642337: Reporter Boolean Filters
2019-05-24 Kyle Huckinslp1642337 Boolean Filters in Reporter
2019-05-24 Dan WellsForward-port 3.3.1 upgrade script
2019-05-24 Dan WellsForward-port 3.2.6 upgrade script
2019-05-24 Dan WellsForward-port 3.1.12 upgrade script
2019-05-24 Bill EricksonLP1816480 Angular grid ARIA improvements
2019-05-24 Galen CharltonLP#1823393: add release notes
2019-05-24 Galen CharltonLP#1823393: various usability improvements
2019-05-24 Bill EricksonLP1823393 FMEditor component i18n translate buttons
2019-05-24 Bill EricksonLP1823393 Org unit type Angular admin UI
2019-05-24 Bill EricksonLP1823393 Tree component collapsed node display fix
2019-05-24 Bill EricksonLP1823393 Pcrud bubbles up transaction close errors
2019-05-23 a. bellenirLP1775639: Refresh required to see Patron Credit
2019-05-23 Suzanne PaternoLP 1744386 & LP 1777184 - stat cats & stat cat entries...
2019-05-23 Rogan HambyLP#1440890: add vandelay_queue to the types of containe...
2019-05-23 Jane SandbergLP1760599: Only show merge records action when multiple...
2019-05-23 Jason BoyerLP1790896: Receipt Errors with invalid emails
2019-05-23 Jason StephensonLp 1768987: Use FindBin in 24-sql-gettext-unique.t.
2019-05-23 Remington SteedDocs: Fix list formatting in recent release notes
2019-05-23 Jeff GodinLP#1796942 Treat VISA SIP payments as credit card
2019-05-23 Bill EricksonLP#1704819 Fine generator avoids int() rounding
2019-05-22 Bill EricksonLP1816679 Match Set Type selector options
2019-05-22 Bill EricksonLP1693580 Authority create/update API repairs
2019-05-22 Bill EricksonLP1693580 Marc editor notify and API changes
2019-05-22 Sam LinkLP1735754 - WGAC Compliance for Advanced Search
2019-05-21 Remington SteedDocs: fix uneven lengths of code delimiter blocks
2019-05-21 Daniel PearlLP#1029601: Prevent duplicate holds from double clicks
2019-05-20 Dan WellsLP#1774707 Quick fix-up: add missing comma