2011-06-03 rsoulliereMerge remote branch 'ysuarez/master'
2011-06-03 rsoulliereAdd permissions appendix and contribute a function...
2011-06-03 Yamil SuarezFixed DocBook syntax mistakes in reports section called...
2011-06-03 Yamil SuarezFixed DocBook mistakes introduced when adding "Exportin...
2011-06-02 Yamil SuarezAdded a new reports page covering "Exporting Report...
2011-06-02 Yamil SuarezAdded a new reports page covering "Exporting Report...
2011-05-30 rsoulliereOops, hit delete one too many times return 1 line.
2011-05-30 rsoulliereRemove repeated line in Upgrading instructions.
2011-05-27 Yamil SuarezAdded missing space
2011-05-25 rsoulliereAdd new
2011-05-25 rsoulliereUpdate upgrading to version. 2.0.6.
2011-05-24 rsoulliereMerge branch 'master' of git.evergreen-ils.org:Evergree...
2011-05-24 rsoulliereUpdate the new schema appendix to include notes. Change...
2011-05-20 rsoulliereMerge remote branch 'hcethatsme/master'
2011-05-19 Hilary Caws... Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:hcethatsme...
2011-05-19 Hilary Caws... Edited authorities intro.
2011-05-19 rsoulliereAdd missing launchpad link to footer in 2.0 documentation.
2011-05-19 Yamil Suarezadded missing word
2011-05-19 rsoulliereAdd missing launchpad link to footer in 2.0 documentation.
2011-05-19 rsoulliereMerge branch 'github_online'
2011-05-19 rsoulliereMerge remote branch 'ysuarez/master'
2011-05-19 rsoulliereMerge remote branch 'ysuarez/master' into github_online
2011-05-19 Yamil Suarezadded missing word
2011-05-18 Hilary Caws... added a note stub about limitations
2011-05-18 Hilary Caws... Added intro from wiki on authorities for fork/pull...
2011-05-18 Robert SoulliereEdited README via GitHub
2011-05-17 Robert Soullieretest
2011-05-17 rsoulliereEdit Find Balance information provided by Sally Fortin.
2011-05-17 rsoulliereMerge branch 'master' of git.evergreen-ils.org:Evergree...
2011-05-16 Hilary Caws... Added link to authorities info on the wiki
2011-05-16 rsoulliereMerge branch 'master' of git.evergreen-ils.org:Evergree...
2011-05-16 rsoulliereTEST from cone repo.
2011-05-16 Robert SoulliereAnother test for merging github and offocial documentat...
2011-05-16 Robert SoulliereEdited README via GitHub
2011-05-16 rsoulliereTest edit.
2011-05-14 rsoulliereMerge branch 'master' of git.evergreen-ils.org:Evergree...
2011-05-14 rsoulliereDeleted temp files.
2011-05-13 rsoulliereAdd README file for testing...
2011-05-10 rsoulliereAdd attributes page.
2011-05-09 Hilary Caws... added Authority Records section to be fleshed out
2011-05-09 Hilary Caws... Added Validation section
2011-05-09 Hilary Caws... Merge branch 'HEAD' of git@github.com:rsoulliere/Evergr...
2011-05-09 Hilary Caws... Finished MARC Editor section
2011-05-09 Hilary Caws... rewrote MARC correctness para for clarity & to test...
2011-05-09 Hilary Caws... Merge branch 'HEAD' of git@github.com:rsoulliere/Evergr...
2011-05-06 Yamil SuarezFixed capitalization of OpenSRF download URL, tar.gz...
2011-05-06 Yamil SuarezFixed capitalization of OpenSRF download URL, tar.gz...
2011-05-06 Yamil SuarezFixed capitalization of OpenSRF download URL, tar.gz...
2011-05-05 Hilary Caws... Merge branch 'HEAD' of git@github.com:rsoulliere/Evergr...
2011-05-05 Hilary Caws... bugfix 756838 is only 2.0.6 forward
2011-05-03 rsoulliereChange xml id of MARC to MARC_editor to resolve id...
2011-04-29 Robert Soulliereedited for the conference.
2011-04-29 Robert SoulliereEdited now.
2011-04-28 Hilary Caws... More on Fast Add
2011-04-28 Hilary Caws... Beginning of Fast Item Add section of Z39.50
2011-04-28 Hilary Caws... Internal ID/TCN collision issue in Z39.50 import
2011-04-26 Hilary Caws... removed backup cataloging.xml~ accidentally added
2011-04-26 Hilary Caws... typo
2011-04-26 Hilary Caws... added MARC editor section
2011-04-25 rsoulliereHet period in correct place.
2011-04-25 rsoulliereRemove contributing instructions. This is better in...
2011-04-25 rsoulliereChange last updated date to autgenerated instead of...
2011-04-21 Hilary Caws... added content on MARC editor buttons
2011-04-20 Hilary Caws... noting bugfix 756838
2011-04-20 Hilary Caws... changed public git URL to r/w git (git@github.com:)
2011-04-20 Hilary Caws... address bug 767289
2011-04-19 Hilary Caws... Added content to stub cataloging.xml
2011-04-19 Hilary Caws... small format change in stub cataloging.xml
2011-04-19 Hilary Caws... added stub cataloging.xml
2011-04-19 Hilary Caws... adding entry for cataloging.xml
2011-04-18 Hilary Caws... typos
2011-04-18 rsoulliereFix sql error found by Demian Katz.
2011-04-18 Steve Sheppardupdate the glossary;
2011-04-17 Steve Sheppardupdates to section 'Installing Evergreen 2.x On Fedora';
2011-04-16 Steve Sheppardupdates to section 'Installing OpenSRF 1.6.3';
2011-04-14 rsoulliereremove some additioanl faulty date from email template.
2011-04-13 rsoulliereChange a <programlisting> element to a <screen> element.
2011-04-13 rsoulliereAdd postgresql 9.0 upgrading instructions for Debian...
2011-04-12 rsoulliereUpdate migrating patrons add a few missing steps and...
2011-04-11 hcethatsmefixed 3 typos
2011-04-11 rsoulliereRemove reference to program_name and program_code since...
2011-04-05 rsoulliereUpdate upgrading instructions to 2.0.5.
2011-04-05 rsoulliereUpdate upgrading 1.6 to
2011-04-05 rsoulliereUpdate sql for adding permissins from Ben Ostrowsky...
2011-03-28 rsoulliereMore processing error fixes.
2011-03-28 rsoulliereFix Docbook processing errors.
2011-03-23 rsoulliereClean up XML based on processing errors.
2011-03-23 rsoulliereBackport admin-lsa file and images to 2.0.
2011-03-22 rsoulliereAdd field documentation from James Fournie. Update...
2011-03-08 rsoulliereA few minor fixes.
2011-03-07 rsoulliereChange some sections to simplesects for less cluttered...
2011-03-07 rsoulliereAdd KCLS acquisitions docs + asciidoc files.
2011-03-06 rsoulliereMerge branch 'master' of github.com:rsoulliere/Evergree...
2011-03-06 rsoulliereAdd serials documentation from GPLS asciidoc and conver...
2011-03-06 Robert SoulliereAdd more useful info to the README file.
2011-03-06 Robert SoulliereAnother windows test.
2011-03-06 unknowntests from windows git application.
2011-03-06 rsoulliereAdd admin acquisition functions from GPLS.
2011-03-05 rsoulliereAdd GPLS acquisitions module docbook file -- from GPLS...
2011-03-05 rsoulliererename ascii file to specify version of doc.