2007-06-10 mikerPatch from Scott McKellar; cleaning up several error...
2007-05-31 mikerPatch from Scott McKellar; Adds calls to strerror...
2007-05-31 ericksonremoved some error lines printed to stderr. not used...
2007-05-31 ericksonslimmed some logging. capturing errno locally after...
2007-05-29 ericksonno longer freeing return value from strerror since...
2007-05-29 mikerdueling patches of pedantism
2007-05-29 ericksonadded some more descriptive logging. removed old signa...
2007-05-29 mikerChange suggested by Scott McKellar; handle c-app childr...
2007-05-29 mikerPatch from Dan Scott; adds -rpath=$(LIBDIR) to the...
2007-05-28 mikerswapped the formats -- typo
2007-05-28 mikerPatch from Scott McKellar; reasonable and non-intrusive...
2007-05-28 mikerPatch from Scott McKellar; allows the compiler to warn...
2007-05-28 mikerSeveral combined cleanup patches from Scott McKellar:
2007-05-28 mikerAt Scott McKellar's suggestion, using (long) cast and...
2007-05-25 mikerXSD from Dan Scott for validating the ~/.srfsh.xml...
2007-05-23 mikerFrom Dan Scott: EOL Whitespace is now stripped in the...
2007-05-21 mikerignore non-leaf text nodes
2007-05-21 mikercompatability functions for strnlen and strndup
2007-05-21 mikermoving this to strn_compat
2007-05-21 mikercut-n-paste error in logged message -- thanks scottmck
2007-05-21 mikerstrndup() and strnlen() implementations from Jeroen...
2007-05-21 mikerreordering breakage; const qualifier in header
2007-05-21 mikerFailure cleanups suggested by Scott McKellar; modified...
2007-05-21 mikerconst-ification
2007-05-20 mikerCorrecting previous comment. The right mailing list...
2007-05-20 mikerstderr output cleanup
2007-05-18 ericksonadded some inline comments
2007-05-18 ericksonadded math bench code. added shutdown method to discon...
2007-05-18 ericksonchanged log level on what really should not be a warnin...
2007-05-18 ericksonreturning OK status in respond method, instead of no...
2007-05-18 ericksonbroke network-object logic out of the JSON parsing...
2007-05-18 ericksoncommitting scott's safer MALLOC macro and a new buffer_...
2007-05-18 ericksonadded a make target to sample makefile for fetching...
2007-05-18 ericksonrethinking deployment
2007-05-16 ericksonupdating to jdk1.5 build
2007-05-16 ericksonadded memcache lib to makefile
2007-05-16 ericksoncommitting added jars
2007-05-16 ericksonadded a memcache client and test
2007-05-16 ericksonadded a settings server client and test. made the...
2007-05-16 ericksonimplemented client bootstrap. created a status object...
2007-05-11 ericksonfixed some doc strings. added sample makefile
2007-05-11 ericksonadded a lot of documentation
2007-05-11 ericksonimplemented enough of the stack/session logic to make...
2007-05-10 ericksonadding more base objects, started on stack layer. added...
2007-05-10 ericksonadded JSON reading ability, including serializable...
2007-05-10 ericksonadded support for opensrf-serializable objects and...
2007-05-10 ericksonadded initial opensrf stack layer objects. more tuning...
2007-05-09 mikerprintf family format fixup found (har har) and suggeste...
2007-05-09 ericksonfixed some logic bugs with the body parsing, added...
2007-05-09 ericksonadded the woodstox stax jar files
2007-05-09 ericksonadded java jabber layer
2007-05-07 ericksonadded some more index sanity checks. added const quali...
2007-05-07 ericksonadded size check to constructor
2007-05-03 ericksoncommitting scott m's buffer protection patch
2007-04-29 mikerExiting with a usable error message rather than segfaulting
2007-04-28 mikerAvoiding memory leaks in string opperations
2007-04-26 mikercompletely untested and possibly broken settings extent...
2007-04-09 ericksonmade new child creation more robust
2007-04-03 mikerTypo reported by Dan Scott
2007-03-29 ericksonremoved some old code and the unnecessary select-as...
2007-03-29 ericksonapplied patch from Dan to provide an example usage
2007-03-26 ericksonforcing int on timeout values in process and timed_read
2007-03-26 ericksonadded an info log line to log the called method
2007-03-23 ericksonremoving install of deprecated files
2007-03-23 ericksonremoving deprecated files
2007-03-23 ericksonremoved the deprecated rest_gateway config; added comme...
2007-03-22 ericksonadded "use Net::Domain" in the package that calls hostf...
2007-03-22 mikerspacing adjustment
2007-03-22 mikeradjusting comment in example config re bug #518
2007-03-20 mikerusing Net::Domain instead of the shell to get the fqdn...
2007-03-19 ericksonadded more portable (perl) hostname fetching to pass...
2007-03-15 ericksonlowered some logging
2007-03-07 ericksonrefactored the unix::server config handling by getting...
2007-03-05 ericksonapplying spelling fixes and making db names/passwords...
2007-02-22 ericksonremoving unused log section
2007-02-22 ericksonadded the <client> block to the gateway. moving everyt...
2007-02-22 ericksondo a kill -9 after kill -s INT to make sure no stubborn...
2007-02-07 ericksonremoving old, unused child_finish_hook
2007-02-07 ericksonadded child exit handling code and example
2007-02-05 ericksonfixed bool parsing bug -- off by one on the string...
2007-02-05 ericksonadded a is-true wrapper for bool objects
2007-01-26 ericksonadded timeout url param to set the request timeout
2007-01-25 ericksonAdded support for the opensrf XID, which is a transacti...
2007-01-18 ericksonremoved libjudy dependencies from makefiles
2007-01-05 ericksonreduced hash size (just now comitting, been like this...
2007-01-05 ericksonadding python libs
2007-01-02 mikerprintf format fix
2007-01-02 ericksonany unhandled char below ascii 32 will now be encoded...
2006-12-18 ericksonremoved big hash/array dependencies to remove libjudy...
2006-12-13 ericksonreplaced (printf style) format buffer calls with non...
2006-12-11 ericksonremoved two warning logs to prevent the unixserver...
2006-11-30 ericksonadded space in the utf buffer to handle 3-char characters
2006-11-27 mikeroff-by-one ... arg
2006-11-26 mikerhandle the first byte all special-like with utf-8
2006-11-22 mikerugly, but it does not warn
2006-11-22 mikerinline the utf8 stuff
2006-11-22 mikernew unicode stuff compiles now
2006-11-22 mikerswitching to some UTF8 code from perl
2006-11-22 mikerswitching to some UTF8 code from perl