2013-09-18 Chris CormackRefactoring slightly, dealing with namespaces...
2013-09-18 Chris CormackContinuing work on
2013-09-18 Chris CormackSample data for looking up an item without an agency ID
2013-09-18 Chris CormackWorking on extending the functionality and test suite.
2013-09-18 Chris CormackAdding more tests to NCIPServer.t
2013-09-17 Chris CormackWorking on extending
2013-09-17 Chris CormackSample XML request, taken from
2013-09-03 Jason StephensonRemove use NCIPServer::NCIP from lib/
2013-09-03 Alan RykhusMerge Alan's and
2013-08-29 Chris CormackSkeletal start of a User object
2013-08-29 Chris CormackMaking a file
2013-08-29 Chris CormackAdding POD and copyright headers
2013-08-29 Chris CormackFixing the tests so they can run with prove
2013-08-29 Chris CormackHave added a file you can now run
2013-08-29 Chris CormackAdding the find service routine and setting up the...
2013-08-29 Chris CormackServer now starts, and uses the config
2013-08-29 Chris CormackStarting work on the configuration module
2013-08-29 Chris CormackSkeletal start of the TCP based server
2013-08-29 Alan RykhusThis is my start to the NCIPServer, the only real code... collab/alrykhus/PALS
2013-06-06 Jason StephensonAdd the first files to the repo.