2022-03-21 Terran McCannaUn-hiding the main page's Executive Reports icon &...
2022-03-21 Terran McCannaQuick Reports - PINES Customizations
2022-03-21 Terran McCannaTesting new branch
2022-03-21 Chris SharpMaking the script executable
2022-03-21 Chris SharpWe want the files within the dirs to sync.
2022-03-21 Chris SharpAdding convenience script for updating installed files.
2022-03-21 Terran McCannaUn-hiding the main page's Executive Reports icon &...
2022-03-21 Terran McCannaQuick Reports - PINES Customizations
2022-03-21 Terran McCannaTesting new branch
2022-03-21 Chris Sharpdo not print PHP errors on screen master
2021-07-01 Chris Sharpexplicitly name current dir for Perl 5.26+, part II
2021-07-01 Chris Sharpexplicitly name current dir for Perl 5.26+
2021-03-22 Chris Sharprestore file modes
2021-03-22 Adam BowlingVersion 5 template additions
2020-04-23 Chris Sharpadd another 18.04 prereq
2020-04-23 Chris Sharpupdate to latest PHP 7
2020-04-23 Chris Sharpremove 14.04 support and add 18.04 support
2019-10-01 Adam BowlingAdds category for "Acquisitions" to Quick Reports categ...
2019-03-22 Chris Sharpmore de-PINES-fication
2019-03-22 Chris SharpDe-PINES-ify master and fix a spacing issue in the...
2019-02-06 Chris SharpExclude all items that are attached to systems in all...
2018-09-14 Chris SharpFix Circulation by MARC item type query.
2018-01-14 Chris SharpPoint to the master database rather than the read-only...
2018-01-03 Chris Sharptypo fix
2018-01-03 Chris Sharpadding php7.0 apache module to dependencies for 16.04
2018-01-03 Chris Sharpadd php 7.0 support
2018-01-02 Adam BowlingAdds memcached session setting for >=PHP7.0
2018-01-02 Adam BowlingExtends MemcachedSession class for >= PHP7.0 support.
2017-12-01 Chris SharpExclude transits for items miscataloged at the system...
2017-07-12 Chris SharpFix variable assignments.
2017-07-12 Chris SharpAdding 16.04 support to install script.
2017-05-08 Chris SharpAdding Chris DeBellis's feature additions:
2017-04-02 Chris Sharpexclude git files from rsync
2017-04-02 Chris Sharpadding check for root running the install script
2017-03-03 Chris SharpLP#1586108 - Fix incorrectly formatted date.
2017-01-30 Chris Sharpadding perl query processes
2017-01-15 Chris SharpAdding MS Word documentation for Executive Reports...
2017-01-15 Chris SharpAdding Chris DeBellis's Executive Reports work
2016-11-30 Chris SharpFixing query up to make it work.
2016-11-29 Chris SharpModify auth query to accommodate new-style EG auth.
2016-11-22 Chris SharpFixing typo in SQL file.
2016-11-22 Chris SharpChange directory ownership after rsync.
2016-11-22 Chris SharpAdding installation script for Ubuntu 14.04
2016-11-22 Chris SharpPerform the DB table creation within a transaction...
2016-11-22 Chris SharpCreate ASCIIDoc versions of the documentation.
2016-04-28 Michael PetersAdd custom permission to permission.permission_list...
2016-04-15 Chris DeBellisInitial public release of report-creator AKA Quick...
2016-04-14 Michael PetersInitialize Git repository