2011-09-30 Dan ScottTPAC: Remove the printnav bar from all screens
2011-09-30 Dan ScottRevamp the search bar to a narrative, single-line style
2011-09-30 Dan ScottAdd the remaining extras back to the record details
2011-09-30 Dan ScottTPAC: and then there were series
2011-09-30 Dan ScottMove the copies up higher
2011-09-30 Dan ScottRemove "Expand all extras" as there are fewer extras...
2011-09-30 Dan ScottGoing for the Jungle skin feel (like Amazon)
2011-09-30 Bill EricksonTPac: propagate searches to advanced search page
2011-09-30 Dan ScottLP740320: Make <enter> submit the new bookbag dialog
2011-09-30 James FournieInitial dialog isn't quite wide enough, here's a hackis...
2011-09-30 James FournieShould probably use a more common button rather than...
2011-09-30 James FournieThis makes more sense as an alert; the Dojo dialog...
2011-09-30 Mike RylanderMarkup-based dijit.Dialog implementation, inspired...
2011-09-30 Dan Scotti18n: Merge en-GB translation from Launchpad
2011-09-30 Dan Scotti18n: Merge en-CA translation from Launchpad
2011-09-30 Dan Scotti18n: Merge pt-BR translation from Launchpad
2011-09-30 Dan Scotti18n: Merge ru-RU translation from Launchpad
2011-09-29 Dan Scott i18n: Merge Armenian (hy-AM) translation from Launchpad
2011-09-29 Dan Scotti18n: Merge cs-CZ translation from Launchpad
2011-09-29 Dan Scotti18n: Merge es-ES translation from Launchpad
2011-09-29 Dan Scotti18n: Merge fr-CA translation from Launchpad
2011-09-29 Liam WhalenModified spine_labels.js to retain UTF-8 encoding
2011-09-29 Bill EricksonAdded missing Penalty module import for AssetCommon
2011-09-29 Dan ScottRemove an installation step: Listen 443 uncommenting
2011-09-28 Bill EricksonTPac: move google analytics import to head
2011-09-28 Michael PetersA slight modification to prevent clipping in the EDI...
2011-09-28 Mike RylanderProvide proper hrefs for links back from report debuggi...
2011-09-28 Dan ScottLP856567: Mark HTML report output as Unicode-encoded
2011-09-28 Dan WellsMFHD compression fails with pattern-less captions
2011-09-28 Mike RylanderTeach update_db.sh to find the currently installed...
2011-09-27 Dan ScottLP857460: Get the generic class scheme when adding...
2011-09-26 Bill EricksonRemoved old vandelay config from sample apache config
2011-09-26 Thomas BerezanskyTPac: Respect OU opac_visible flags
2011-09-26 Thomas BerezanskyTPac: Fix bolding of bad email/username
2011-09-26 Thomas BerezanskyTPac: Hide CC Payment info when not enabled
2011-09-26 Thomas BerezanskyTPac Fixes - Missing Quotes
2011-09-26 Dan WellsMerge branch 'master' of git.evergreen-ils.org:Evergreen
2011-09-26 Dan WellsStamping Upgrade Script for Suppress Transits
2011-09-26 Jeff GodinCreate git .mailmap file for Evergreen
2011-09-26 Thomas BerezanskyUnwrapped Suppress Transits upgrade script
2011-09-26 Thomas BerezanskySuppress Transits
2011-09-26 Dan ScottTPAC: Fix for staff UI with multiple MFHD records
2011-09-26 Bill EricksonTPac: MFHD staff client actions integration
2011-09-26 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade script for EDI cleanup
2011-09-26 Lebbeous Fogle... Some EDI translation fixes for troublesome input characters
2011-09-26 Bill EricksonTPac: Page through search results on details page
2011-09-26 Jason Etheridgeperl-parent prerequisite for RHEL. hope it's fine for...
2011-09-26 Dan ScottTPAC: Add some style to MFHD holdings summaries
2011-09-26 Dan ScottTPAC: Give MFHD summaries OU / depth awareness
2011-09-26 Dan ScottTPAC: tentative MFHD display steps
2011-09-25 Galen Charltonlp859190: make marc_stream_import always import non...
2011-09-23 Jeff GodinFix: Current Bills thinks it is Bill History
2011-09-23 Jeff GodinRemove the old bills interface.
2011-09-22 Bill EricksonTPac: repair IE check-all action on transaction list
2011-09-22 Bill EricksonStamped upgrade script for ACQ fund view repairs
2011-09-22 James FournieAddresses LP#800477 where some acq views calculate...
2011-09-22 Jason EtheridgeThe tpac should be SSL inside the staff client
2011-09-22 Jason EtheridgeMerge branch 'master' of git.evergreen-ils.org:Evergreen
2011-09-22 Jason EtheridgeFix broken Work Log UI
2011-09-22 Bill EricksonTPac: credit card payment bug fixes / cleanup
2011-09-22 Bill EricksonTpac: better param array detection in mkurl()
2011-09-22 Dan ScottPassword resets: avoid run-on subjects
2011-09-22 Bill EricksonTPac: password reset honors success/error style
2011-09-22 Bill EricksonTPac: integrated patron password reset
2011-09-22 Bill EricksonTpac: longer timeout for marc "expert" search
2011-09-22 Thomas BerezanskyAdd Toggle option to portal for TPac use
2011-09-22 Thomas BerezanskyCreate preference for opac used in staff client
2011-09-22 Dan ScottTPAC: Make "Sort by" select box match style of search bar
2011-09-22 Dan ScottGroup "Sort by" and sort select box together
2011-09-21 Jason Etheridgeproperties in chrome:// return XHR status 0
2011-09-21 Jason Etheridgebump xulrunner version
2011-09-21 Jason EtheridgeLP#854760 messagecat fails with certain 404 pages
2011-09-21 Dan ScottCan't have two identical IDs on the same page
2011-09-20 Jason Etheridgefix Show in Catalog for part holds
2011-09-20 Jason Etheridgemake it obvious that Request Type is required in Create...
2011-09-20 Jason Etheridgeacq user requests link from patron display
2011-09-20 Jason Etheridgeshow acq user requests action from lineitems in lists
2011-09-20 Jason Etheridgewire up Create Request action in acq user requests UI
2011-09-20 Jason Etheridgecontext filters for acq user requests UI
2011-09-20 Jason Etheridgecopy/paste-o's, remove (near) duplicate code
2011-09-20 Mike RylanderDo not overwrite controlmap entries, but extend them...
2011-09-20 Bill EricksonClear hold shelf [expire] time at checkout to alternate...
2011-09-19 Lebbeous Fogle... Take care of some missed db upgrade script numbers
2011-09-19 Galen Charltonlp854084: fix catalog link in line item table when...
2011-09-19 Dan ScottTPAC: Enable password resets - crude, for now
2011-09-19 Lebbeous Fogle... Staff saved searches when browsing catalog in staff...
2011-09-19 Lebbeous Fogle... It's a lineitem detail (copy) batch receiver
2011-09-19 Lebbeous Fogle... Bookbag enhancements in TTOPAC
2011-09-17 Dan ScottTPAC: PROCESS config.tt2 needed in results.tt2
2011-09-17 Bill EricksonSet refworks default org to match org tree root
2011-09-16 Bill EricksonTPac: clicking on open "extras" tab closes the tab
2011-09-16 Bill EricksonTPac: display table of contents on record details
2011-09-16 Mike RylanderStamping db upgrade script for Fixed Field Cont/Conf...
2011-09-16 Thomas BerezanskyIn-DB suffered from Cont/Conf issues as well
2011-09-16 Thomas BerezanskyFix Fixed Fields Editor Conf and Cont
2011-09-16 Galen Charltonlp 851915: remove last references to /openils/lib/perl5
2011-09-16 Dan ScottLP 851915: Remove references to /openils/lib/perl5
2011-09-15 Jason Etheridgepin down upgrade script version numbers
2011-09-15 Jason Etheridgeadd in the org setting history triggers
2011-09-15 Thomas BerezanskyCLEANUP ALL THE COUST and fix history view