2010-06-04 phasefxEmail/print methods for printing A/T templated bib...
2010-06-04 ericksonBugfixes: undef handling and legacy script support...
2010-06-04 ericksonCheckin overhual for extensions, including item, patron...
2010-06-04 ericksonExperimental implementation: renewal, block, enable.
2010-06-04 ericksonLots of cleanup, logging improvements, and comments.
2010-06-04 ericksonBasic check for missing DB upgrades
2010-06-04 scottmkAdd two little utility functions to convert from interv...
2010-06-04 mikerthinko (unquoted string literal); be more explicity...
2010-06-04 ericksonadded granularity and user_data options to create_event...
2010-06-04 dbsImprove circ transaction performance by indexing NULL...
2010-06-04 dbsImprove database performance for partial indexes on...
2010-06-03 scottmkVarious tweaks:
2010-06-03 ericksonimplemented a simple mechanism to allow for linking...
2010-06-03 phasefxorg unit setting for requiring a matching email for...
2010-06-03 ericksondisplay first name instead of usrname in self-check...
2010-06-03 ericksonprevent warnings that occur when the event type is...
2010-06-03 mikerdocumentation cut-n-pasto ... authority records are...
2010-06-03 mikeradd authority browsing framework to backend supercat app
2010-06-03 phasefxtemplates and methods for generating payment receipts
2010-06-03 phasefxfix some id collisions and make use of properties inste...
2010-06-03 phasefxfaster Library Settings UI and progress dialog
2010-06-03 phasefxmore due date convenience options for offline mode...
2010-06-03 phasefxutil.list gets used in offline mode, so don't assume...
2010-06-03 dbsDon't hardcode our password forms to en-US
2010-06-03 dbsApache2::Const::DECLINED leads to ugly error dialogues...
2010-06-03 dbs< is not >; get our time-to-live threshold comparison...
2010-06-03 dbsSetting apache->status() caused 500 server errors for...
2010-06-03 dbspassword reset URI needs a trailing slash, and this...
2010-06-02 phasefxs/perl/javascript/
2010-06-02 phasefxfix logic error that could result in partial list of...
2010-06-02 dbsUndouble these elements of password-reset that somehow...
2010-06-02 phasefxsome defensive programming
2010-06-02 scottmkReplace most of the serial schema with a different...
2010-06-02 phasefxsome more API documentation for these password reset...
2010-06-02 mikeradding more non-auto Identifier specifiers
2010-06-02 mikeruse dojo.query instead of getElementsByTagName ......
2010-06-02 mikeradd class/instance methods for checking required-ness...
2010-06-02 mikeradd class/instance methods for checking required-ness...
2010-06-02 mikerget rid of search.staged_fts() and supporting functions...
2010-06-02 mikermade overly restrictive example validation regexp more...
2010-06-02 mikeradd required IDL flag and validation regexp support
2010-06-01 senatorMake in-db hold checking consistent with circulation...
2010-06-01 senatorMove credit card processing ML code into the circ modul...
2010-06-01 dbsForward port r16547 from rel_1_6_0: fix regression...
2010-06-01 mikerrid ourself of some namespace prefixes because IE is...
2010-06-01 senatorRemove accidentally committed OPAC CC payment test...
2010-06-01 ericksonin the SIP server plugin, don't connect and start a...
2010-06-01 senatorIn OPAC CC payment, fall back on alert()ing events...
2010-06-01 senatorIncorporate CC payment interface into OPAC fines page...
2010-06-01 scottmkAdd support for GROUP BY.
2010-06-01 mikeradd usr_setting_type of history.hold.retention_start...
2010-06-01 phasefxsubstream for better performance with large datasets
2010-05-31 scottmkAdd support for BETWEEN conditions.
2010-05-31 scottmk1. Add support for function calls. Note that certain...
2010-05-30 scottmkFor various updatable views based on query.expression:
2010-05-28 phasefxutilities for testing circ and ahr events
2010-05-28 phasefx.print and .email event-firing variants of open-ils...
2010-05-28 phasefxtemplates and methods for print/email of historical...
2010-05-28 ericksonadded a wait flag to create_events_for_hook() to allow...
2010-05-28 scottmkAdded org_unit_setting_type auth.persistent_login_interval
2010-05-28 ericksonadded duplicate username checking/warning
2010-05-28 ericksonAPI calls to expose the circ/hold history stored procedures
2010-05-28 ericksonrepaired misnamed function oils_json_to_string -> oils_...
2010-05-28 scottmkSupport IN lists.
2010-05-28 scottmkSupport series expressions, i.e. a series of expressions
2010-05-27 mikeradding function to return holds visible to the user...
2010-05-27 ericksonedi_message fetching for POs is just for counting,...
2010-05-27 mikerfunctions and settings for purging circs and user-setta...
2010-05-27 ericksonfor some added privacy, display the user's username...
2010-05-27 scottmkAdd new expression type 'xser' to represent series...
2010-05-27 ericksonadded global_flag editing UI and staff client menu...
2010-05-27 ericksonrepaired bug in dojo.mixin usage for applying overrides...
2010-05-27 ericksonadded note about new direction of opt-in circ history...
2010-05-27 ericksonadded Replace Barcode option into new patron reg. inter...
2010-05-27 scottmkBug fix in verifyObjectPCRUD().
2010-05-26 senatorMinor whitespace/syntax changes, sifted out of the...
2010-05-26 senatorFoundations of Action/Triger-based telephony,
2010-05-26 phasefxhave new patron editor honor global.password_regex
2010-05-26 phasefxthese entities are no longer used
2010-05-26 scottmkCorrecting some diverging drift in the usr_merge function
2010-05-26 scottmkAdding a qualifying schema name to keep PG happy
2010-05-26 mikerand, of course, the same typo /in/ the file. fixed
2010-05-26 mikerarg ... typo in filename. moved
2010-05-26 mikerafter nearly 280 schema updates, we had a little drift...
2010-05-26 scottmkBug fixes in verifyObjectPCRUD():
2010-05-26 dbsAdd actor.usr_password_reset table required for passwor...
2010-05-25 phasefxthis doesn't work. I think my environment wasn't prist...
2010-05-25 phasefxremove duplicate line
2010-05-25 ericksonPatch from Bill Ott to add missing apostrophe in rdetail.js
2010-05-25 scottmkCorrecting an upgrade script.
2010-05-25 mikerThe Great For-In Refactoring of ought-nine broke dojo...
2010-05-25 scottmkPlug some memory leaks, and eliminate some unnecessary
2010-05-25 ericksonsupport for calculating estimated hold wait time based...
2010-05-25 ericksonadded support for propagating searchOrg, searchSort...
2010-05-25 scottmkVarious changes to verifyObjectPCRUD():
2010-05-24 mikeradd settings group table, shared between org and usr...
2010-05-24 scottmkSplit old org unit setting type circ.hold_estimate_wait...
2010-05-24 senatorAdd CVV field to selfcheck credit card payment interface
2010-05-24 senatorConsistently return fail_part to the client from in...
2010-05-24 senatorSeparate payment form code from the rest of the self...