2013-08-22 Bill EricksonAction/Trigger load environment via stream at-streaming-env-load
2013-08-22 Lebbeous Fogle... Add more built things to .gitignore for master
2013-08-22 Ben ShumAdd placeholder file for 0821 upgrade script
2013-08-22 Mike RylanderCorrectly mark nested INNER joins as such
2013-08-22 Thomas BerezanskyFix A/T object cache
2013-08-22 Bill EricksonLP1183467 ACQ view funding source list permissions
2013-08-22 Mike RylanderStamping upgrade script for series title normalizer...
2013-08-22 Steven CallenderRemove [ and ] characters from seriestitle index LP...
2013-08-22 Mike RylanderRepair remaining Authority Fixed Field editor entries
2013-08-22 Bill EricksonPropagating 2.3.10 DB upgrade script
2013-08-22 Dan ScottRemove JSPAC-oriented PasswordReset.pm interface
2013-08-22 Lebbeous Fogle... Acq: Honor new dist forumula fields in old method of...
2013-08-22 Jason Etheridgesilence some unitialized warnings
2013-08-21 Lebbeous Fogle... Invoke skull-and-crossbones popup in batch receive...
2013-08-21 Dan ScottMake C unit tests more robust
2013-08-21 Pasi KallinenMove HTML tags out of translatable strings in toolkit...
2013-08-21 Bill EricksonCopying 2.3.8-2.3.9 SQL upgrade script
2013-08-20 Lebbeous Fogle... Acq general search: improve searching for negative...
2013-08-20 Dan WellsMove exchange_rate seed data to 950 file
2013-08-20 Pasi KallinenMove acq.currency_code entries and wrap for i18n
2013-08-20 Dan ScottFedora: remove source installs for packaged dependencies
2013-08-20 Bill EricksonLP 1190279 Modularize Makefile.install fedora target
2013-08-20 Bill EricksonLP 1190279 libtest-warn-perl for ubuntu targets
2013-08-20 Bill EricksonLP 1190279 Modularize Makefile.install misc. repairs
2013-08-20 Bill EricksonLP 1190279 Installer makefiles OS targets for PG server
2013-08-20 Chris SharpLP 1190279 Ubuntu install targets
2013-08-20 Bill EricksonLP 1190279 Modularize Makefile.install
2013-08-20 Dan ScottUpdate docs for Fedora install
2013-08-20 Pasi KallinenRead the zip code lookup file in UTF8 mode.
2013-08-20 Jason StephensonFix Lp bug 965656 WRT back dated checkins with fines.
2013-08-20 Dan ScottImproved copy table CSS/markup for conjoined bibs
2013-08-20 Dan ScottConjoined items / foreign items display in TPAC
2013-08-20 Dan ScottWhitespace and timelog entries
2013-08-20 Bill OttExpose conjoined bibs in TPAC
2013-08-20 Ben ShumStamping upgrade script for dewey sort fix
2013-08-20 Jason EtheridgeLP#1150939 fix dewey sort
2013-08-20 Chris SharpLP1208572 - Fixes for reporter.classic_item_list
2013-08-20 Pasi KallinenFix LP#1160770 by marking default toolbar names as...
2013-08-20 Bill EricksonLP 1084732 TPAC copy location selector
2013-08-20 Galen CharltonLP#1131889: sort TPac copy list by normalized call...
2013-08-20 Jason StephensonFix typo in release notes file name for acq-style-cance...
2013-08-19 Bill EricksonACQ delayed lineitems style release notes
2013-08-19 Bill EricksonImprove styling for 'delayed' lineitems in PO UI
2013-08-16 Lebbeous Fogle... DB numbering for patron duplication check depth setting
2013-08-16 Lebbeous Fogle... Adjust Kyle Tomita's patron dupe check fix to use the...
2013-08-16 Kyle TomitaLP1185524 - Duplicate patron checking in the user edito...
2013-08-16 Pasi KallinenUse uri_escape_utf8 instead of uri_escape
2013-08-16 Steven ChanFix LP985075, cannot save Patron Acquisition Request...
2013-08-14 Chris SharpFixing LP 1072892 - repeated rows in reporter.classic_i...
2013-08-14 Pasi KallinenFinish i18n support for config.usr_setting_type
2013-08-14 Dan ScottFlag cust & oust name/description fields as translatable
2013-08-14 Bill EricksonLP1211506 fix numeric sorting in staff client grids
2013-08-14 Pasi KallinenAlways show grid buttons on My Selection List
2013-08-12 Angela KilsdonkZ39.50 documentation asciidoc fix and moved Z39.50...
2013-08-09 Jason StephensonStamping upgrade script for long overdue status --...
2013-08-09 Bill EricksonLP 1169193 Support L/O xact close on paid
2013-08-09 Bill EricksonLP 1169193 Bypass longoverdue w/ default A/T runner
2013-08-09 Bill EricksonLP 1169193 long-overdue release notes
2013-08-09 Bill EricksonLP 1169193 transit_slip macro for copy status
2013-08-09 Bill EricksonLP 1169193 long-overdue item checkin
2013-08-09 Bill EricksonLP 1169193 long-overdue automated processing
2013-08-09 Bill EricksonLP 1169193 long-overdue SQL seed data
2013-08-09 Dan WellsFinish stamping for bib record browser
2013-08-09 Dan WellsStamping upgrade scripts for bib record browser
2013-08-09 Lebbeous Fogle... Fix problem where basic search bar was flush with left...
2013-08-09 Jason StephensonFix issues with multiple divs having the search-wrapper id.
2013-08-09 Lebbeous Fogle... OPAC Browse: bugfixes squashed together from LP #1177810
2013-08-09 Mike RylanderBreak up expensive queries, match index to quals
2013-08-09 Lebbeous Fogle... OPAC Browse: some squashed commits from LP #1177810
2013-08-09 Jason StephensonFix problem with YYYY.schema.bib-auth-browse.sql.
2013-08-09 Lebbeous Fogle... Bib record browser with 'see also', etc from linked...
2013-08-09 Lebbeous Fogle... Link browse entries to authority record when possible
2013-08-09 Lebbeous Fogle... Inter-authority linking
2013-08-09 Dan WellsSolidify caption/holding relationship, improve MFHD...
2013-08-09 Dan WellsFix logic in get_compressed_holdings()
2013-08-09 Dan WellsTie in new MFHD method to serials module/MFHD tests...
2013-08-09 Dan WellsAdd new get_combined_holdings() method to MFHD.pm
2013-08-09 Angela KilsdonkDocumentation for storing Z39.50 credentials. Added...
2013-08-07 Lebbeous Fogle... Acq: When processing EDI invoices, skip unknown line...
2013-08-07 Lebbeous Fogle... Acq: When building invoices from EDI messages, avoid...
2013-08-07 Pasi KallinenValidate date ranges in Close Dates editor
2013-08-06 Jason EtheridgeFix org unit setting names for this example test
2013-08-06 Pasi KallinenPrevent paste from empty clipboard throwing an error
2013-08-06 Ben ShumAdd release note for checkout trimming whitespaces...
2013-08-06 Pasi KallinenTrim whitespace from beginning and end of the barcode...
2013-08-06 Ben ShumStamping upgrade script for "delate" typo
2013-08-06 Pasi KallinenFix typo "delate" in permission descriptions.
2013-08-02 Bill EricksonUpgrade notes for IDL2js locale support
2013-08-02 Bill EricksonLP1171875 Support locale CGI param for fm_IDL.xml
2013-08-02 Bill EricksonLP1171875 Add locale support to IDL2js
2013-08-02 Jeff GodinFix IDL and OU setting check for staged users
2013-08-01 Jason StephensonStamping upgrade script for LP1204273.
2013-08-01 Ben ShumLP1204273 - Repair org unit settings for making state...
2013-08-01 Jason Etheridgemake-pgtap-tests.pl
2013-08-01 Jason EtheridgeUse the .pg extension
2013-08-01 Galen Charltonadd regression test for LP#1155329
2013-08-01 Galen Charltonuse .pg extension for pgTAP test cases
2013-08-01 Galen Charltonstart adding pgTAP test cases
2013-08-01 Jason EtheridgepgTAP examples
2013-08-01 Jason EtheridgeC unit test examples for Evergreen