2017-06-19 Bill EricksonSupport optional systemd service files collab/berick/ansible-installer-ubuntu-16.04
2017-06-05 Bill EricksonENV vars go in opensrf .bashrc for consistency; comments
2017-05-11 Bill Ericksonadd note about apache2-websockets/systemd
2017-05-10 Bill EricksonRemove nginx default site link, not file
2017-04-25 Bill EricksonAdd remote deploy readme example
2017-04-25 Bill EricksonRemote / non-root deployments; more toggles
2017-04-21 Ben ShumOnly setup translations if variable is set
2017-04-21 Ben ShumMake the translations an optional argument instead...
2017-04-20 Ben ShumAdd support for i18n and locales
2017-04-19 Bill EricksonRegister jabber users as the ejabberd user.
2017-04-19 Bill EricksonFix pgtap install test; formatting/docs
2017-04-19 Bill Erickson'synchronize' dojo files for faster copying
2017-04-19 Bill EricksonPGTAP and schema build are optional / on by default
2017-04-19 Bill EricksonAdd use_pg_96 option to install Postgresql 9.6
2017-04-17 Bill EricksonSet hosts in settings.yml; more examples
2017-04-14 Ben ShumAdd name definitions for all steps
2017-04-13 Bill Ericksonflesh out readme for sharing
2017-04-13 Bill Ericksonmove service starter to extras
2017-04-13 Bill Ericksonoptionally start services after install
2017-04-13 Bill Ericksonplaybook formatting
2017-04-13 Bill Ericksonmove optional packages to extras dir
2017-04-13 Bill Ericksonclone websockets in /tmp
2017-04-12 Bill Ericksonrsyslog configs, better user of variables
2017-04-12 Bill Ericksonupdate websocket JS ports for nginx
2017-04-12 Bill Ericksonopensrf gets ~/.bash_profile for noninteractive
2017-04-12 Bill EricksonAnsible-based Evergreen/OpenSRF install
2017-04-12 Bill Ericksonremove 'random' base readme file
2012-03-22 Thomas BerezanskyAdd quick README to the master branch master