2012-07-26 Jeff GodinPared-down script reflects what was run in testing rel_2_2_tadl_test_upgrade_skips
2012-07-26 Jeff GodinA copy of 2.1-2.2 upgrade script
2012-07-23 Jeff GodinSkipping some upgrade bits on the test system
2012-07-23 Robert SoulliereDocumentation: Fix typo in upgrade instructions. Bug...
2012-07-19 Robert SoulliereDocumentation: remove those darn Windows carriage returns.
2012-07-19 Robert SoulliereDocumentation: Migrate reports documentation from 2.1
2012-07-19 Robert SoulliereDocumentation: Format text to limit line length to...
2012-07-18 Robert SoulliereDocumentation: Fix various issues causing errors during...
2012-07-17 Dan ScottTPAC: Use % font size + bold to highlight login failure
2012-07-17 Melissa LefebvreTpac CSS: Login failure message
2012-07-17 Dan ScottTPAC: Physical description, now with spaces
2012-07-17 Ben ShumMove Prefix field ahead of Names in patron editor
2012-07-17 Bill EricksonSquelch uninitialized var warning from hold_copy_targeter
2012-07-17 Dan ScottSearchbar spacing: move inline CSS into a style
2012-07-17 Melissa LefebvreTPAC: Search wrapper spacing
2012-07-16 Jason Etheridgeincrease the default width for the xul list line number...
2012-07-14 Jennifer TurnerDocumentation: Add Patron Bills section to Patron Manag...
2012-07-14 Jennifer TurnerDocumentation: Add Circulation, Patron management Chapter
2012-07-14 Robert SoulliereSet unix file format to remove trailing "\r"s in file.
2012-07-14 Sally FortinAdd Group Serials Issues Chapter from Sally Fortin...
2012-07-14 Robert SoulliereUpdate Evergreen upgrade instructions to reflect the...
2012-07-14 Robert SoulliereRemove antiquated 1.6 directory from docs folder.
2012-07-14 Ben ShumConvert docs files from DOS to UNIX format.
2012-07-14 Dan ScottImprove Fedora prereqs and instructions
2012-07-14 Galen CharltonDOC: fix a couple typos
2012-07-14 Dan ScottREADME: Bump OpenSRF prerequisite to 2.1 for Evergreen...
2012-07-14 Dan ScottFurther integration: link README to server install...
2012-07-14 Dan ScottMerge the Evergreen docs into the code repository
2012-07-14 Dan ScottMerge remote-tracking branch 'docbook/master' into...
2012-07-13 Kathy LussierWhen a user views holds in their account, clicking...
2012-07-13 Bill EricksonCache propagated funds in fund rollover action
2012-07-13 Bill EricksonRepair PCrudFilter localeStrings variable collisions
2012-07-12 Thomas BerezanskyTPac: Disable caching for auth-required pages
2012-07-12 Lebbeous Fogle... Silence undef string concatenation warning in AutoSuggest
2012-07-12 Jeff GodinFix titles/tabs in Account Preferences subpages
2012-07-11 Bill EricksonRepaired typo in example rsyslog config file
2012-07-11 Dan ScottTPAC: Handle multiple matches for an XPath expression
2012-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Avoid problem with 2.1 -> 2.2 upgrade script issuing...
2012-07-10 Bob WicksallTPac: Add paging to My Lists
2012-06-27 Mike RylanderTeach the autosuggest web service to cache suggestions...
2012-06-27 Bill Ericksontpac: repair some straggling bookbag CGI param names
2012-06-25 Galen Charltonlp#1014664: add new columns to CDBI table definitions
2012-06-21 Lebbeous Fogle... Fix version numbers in 2.1 -> 2.2 upgrade script
2012-06-18 Dan ScottTPAC: Add record detail navigation to page bottom
2012-06-13 Lebbeous Fogle... Security fix: For auth, give same stacktrace for all...
2012-06-13 Lebbeous Fogle... Security fix: Prevent login by deleted and barred users
2012-06-13 Jason StephensonSecurity fix for Launchpad Bug 1003052.
2012-06-13 Thomas BerezanskyFix in-transit hold retarget
2012-06-12 Mike RylanderRemove unsafe thesaurus/control-set mapping
2012-06-12 Dan WellsSerial Note Sort Fix
2012-06-11 Jason Etheridgefix double-click in Holdings Maintenance
2012-06-11 Dan WellsShow Vandelay Buckets in Manage Record Buckets
2012-06-11 Bill EricksonLoad Vandelay queue list in Inspect Queue
2012-06-11 Michael PetersLP#845096 - coded_value_map_id_seq doesn't have a prope...
2012-06-08 Dan WellsFix broken non-RSS bookbag feeds
2012-06-07 James FournieLP1009752: activate purchase orders with patron requests
2012-06-07 Dan ScottUpdate 2.1.2 DB schema upgrade script
2012-06-06 Dan ScottAdd TPAC translations
2012-06-06 Lebbeous Fogle... Commit i18n POT file changes after 'make newpot'
2012-06-06 Dan ScottImport updated translations from Launchpad
2012-06-06 Lebbeous Fogle... Address LP #983487: Avoid clobbering bib records at...
2012-06-05 Dan ScottMove 2.0.11 upgrade script into version_upgrade dir
2012-06-05 Jason StephensonAdd the 2.0.10-2.0.11 upgrade script.
2012-06-04 Dan ScottDistinguish route-to-cataloging exception circ messages
2012-06-04 Dan ScottFix check for duplicate strings in i18n properties
2012-06-03 Jason EtheridgeLP975422 patron search from portal/splash page
2012-06-03 Bill EricksonTPAC: Prevent unitialized variable warnings in My Accou...
2012-06-03 Dan ScottTPAC: Prevent unitialized variable warnings in My Account
2012-06-02 Bill EricksonACQ guarantee no PO re-activation
2012-06-01 Lebbeous Fogle... Fix broken menu entries under "Other -> Booking" in...
2012-06-01 Galen Charltonlp#1007248: tweak order in which pgt rows are renumbered
2012-06-01 Bill EricksonTPAC bookbag CGI param changed to bbid
2012-05-30 rsoulliereremoving adobe KDE supplied pdf image means we no longe...
2012-05-30 Jeff DavisLP#856708 - Scrolling/div size issues in action trigger...
2012-05-28 rsoulliereAdd Dan's PDF image.
2012-05-25 Bill EricksonStamping upgrade for ACQ org setting group
2012-05-25 Dan ScottGroup acquisition OU settings in a new "Acquisitions...
2012-05-25 Lebbeous Fogle... Acq: Use scope to constrain choice of lineitem alerts
2012-05-25 Dan ScottREADME: Backport changes to README from master (27320c83)
2012-05-23 Bill EricksonTPAC: recover the ability to override hold placement...
2012-05-23 rsoulliereUpdate upgrade instructions to release candidate 1.
2012-05-21 Jason StephensonAdd libnet-https-any-perl as precise deb requirement...
2012-05-17 rsoulliereFix licensing image.
2012-05-17 Bill EricksonVandelay authority existing queue search repair
2012-05-17 rsoullierelink to local cc-by-sa license icon.
2012-05-17 rsoulliereTypo fix.
2012-05-17 rsoulliereAdd licensing to root.txt
2012-05-17 rsoulliereMerge branch 'master' of git.evergreen-ils.org:Evergree...
2012-05-17 rsoulliereAdd licensing appendix and pdf image.
2012-05-17 Dan ScottDocument hold-driven recalls
2012-05-14 Lebbeous Fogle... Avoid collisions of normalized values going into metabi...
2012-05-14 rsoulliereFix text line widths - lomit to 80 characters.
2012-05-12 rsoulliereTest linking form release notes.
2012-05-12 rsoulliereremove some reference to 2.2 since we are in 2.2 docs.
2012-05-12 rsoulliereAdd some content for general staff client usage. Thanks...
2012-05-12 rsoulliereAdd customizing the staff client toolbars and add a...
2012-05-12 rsoulliereAdd user Activity Types documentation from Sally/ESI...
2012-05-12 rsoulliereUpdate authorities chapter.
2012-05-12 rsoulliereAdd vandelay acquisitions integration fom Sall/ESI...
2012-05-12 rsoulliereAdd SMS text Messaging from Sally/ESI. Thanks!