2013-10-30 Jeff GodinAdd username suggestion based on patron name rel_2_2_tadl_post_upgrade rel_2_2_tadl_user_edit_work
2013-10-30 Jeff GodinImprove username flow for staged users
2013-10-30 Jeff GodinAdd button to update expire date field
2013-10-30 Jeff GodinTreat empty username as invalid in user editor
2013-10-30 Jeff GodinDon't show contact invalidators for new users
2013-10-30 Jeff GodinSkip dup username check when username unchanged
2013-10-30 Jeff GodinAdd alert in user editor for method errors
2013-06-25 Jeff GodinMake deactivation of card optional
2013-06-25 Jeff GodinShow patron credit in patron summary
2013-06-03 Steven CallenderAdded a check for the money.collections_tracker table...
2013-06-03 Jeff GodinAdd explicit sort to collections API with limit
2013-06-03 Jeff GodinAdd limit to penalty variant of collections call
2013-05-08 Jeff GodinFix detection of empty Syndetics AC data elements
2013-05-01 Jeff GodinAuto re-bill forgiven overdues on lost checkin
2013-03-11 Jeff GodinTPAC: Add physical_dept arg/cookie
2013-01-17 Mike RylanderMake it possible to suppress IDL fields
2012-11-29 Jeff GodinSuggest password change on login if 4 digit PIN
2012-11-16 Jeff GodinEnable clearing of an alias via OPAC
2012-11-03 Jeff GodinHACK: Ignore backdate on all SIP checkins
2012-10-12 Jeff GodinEnable optional shared ses cookie for SSO-like use
2012-09-04 Jeff GodinAdjust wording of SIP 'expired' message
2012-09-04 Jeff GodinAdd tadlHoldName macro to print_custom.js
2012-08-25 Jeff GodinMake patron alias unique test case insensitive
2012-07-27 Jeff GodinAppend ?r= to rdetail url for non-TPAC staff
2012-07-26 Jeff GodinOnly request review sources TADL subscribes to
2012-07-26 Bill Ericksontpac : uri escape added content key
2012-07-26 Bill Ericksontpac added content default type improvements
2012-07-26 Bill EricksonTPAC added content data retrieval sanity check
2012-07-26 Bill EricksonTPAC added content shows default tab
2012-07-26 Bill EricksonTPAC added content improvements
2012-07-26 Bill EricksonTPAC added content integration
2012-07-26 Jason EtheridgeAdd print_custom.js for tadlSlipDate
2012-07-26 Jeff GodinDefault to "record external" credit card payment
2012-07-26 Jeff GodinTransform TADL patron barcodes in xul
2012-07-26 Jeff GodinCreate custom.js for staff client
2012-07-26 Jeff GodinFix IDL and OU setting check for staged users
2012-07-26 Jeff GodinSupport forgive-vs void on Lost/Lost-checkin
2012-07-25 Jeff GodinAdd ability for users to set their alias in TPAC
2012-07-25 Jeff GodinTeach Syndetic.pm to pass UPC in requests
2012-07-25 Jeff GodinFinish Added Content by record ID
2012-07-25 Bill EricksonStart of AC by record ID from 2011 hackfest
2012-07-25 Jeff GodinDisplay 245$a as Title Case in TPAC
2012-07-25 Jeff GodinApply TADL-specific SIP patron barcode transforms
2012-07-25 Jeff GodinSupport SIP payment type 02 - credit card
2012-07-25 Jeff GodinAdd SIP support for Fine Items field
2012-07-25 Jeff GodinPass authtoken to OpenILS::SIP::Patron objects
2012-07-25 Jason Etheridgepatron name border color for Notes
2012-07-25 Robert SoulliereDocumentation: Fix typo in upgrade instructions reporte...
2012-07-25 Dan ScottAdd evergreen.get_locale_name() function to base schema
2012-07-24 Bill Erickson2.2 upgrade missing vandelay.authority_match.quality...
2012-07-24 Dan ScottTPAC: Decode translated strings into UTF8
2012-07-24 Dan ScottTPAC: Implement a locale picker
2012-07-24 Bill EricksonAdd constraint to ACQ PO state value
2012-07-24 Thomas BerezanskyAdd component to *force* external browser use
2012-07-24 Thomas BerezanskyAllow opening of links in default browser
2012-07-24 Kathy LussierLP: Allow user to change activation options for suspend...
2012-07-24 Steven ChanFix LP800480, ACQ - Vendor Invoice Won't Save
2012-07-24 Robert SoulliereDocumentation: Add line breaks in authorities chapter...
2012-07-24 Jeff GodinFix TPAC recognition of logged-in users via http
2012-07-24 Ben ShumTPAC - repair editions statement display
2012-07-24 Galen Charltonwording improvement for 2.2 release notes
2012-07-23 Dan ScottJSPAC: Point to TPAC from <noscript> section
2012-07-23 Dan ScottTPAC: Set autofocus appropriately for different contexts
2012-07-23 Robert SoulliereDocumentation: Fix typo in upgrade instructions. Bug...
2012-07-19 Robert SoulliereDocumentation: remove those darn Windows carriage returns.
2012-07-19 Robert SoulliereDocumentation: Migrate reports documentation from 2.1
2012-07-19 Robert SoulliereDocumentation: Format text to limit line length to...
2012-07-18 Robert SoulliereDocumentation: Fix various issues causing errors during...
2012-07-17 Dan ScottTPAC: Use % font size + bold to highlight login failure
2012-07-17 Melissa LefebvreTpac CSS: Login failure message
2012-07-17 Dan ScottTPAC: Physical description, now with spaces
2012-07-17 Ben ShumMove Prefix field ahead of Names in patron editor
2012-07-17 Bill EricksonSquelch uninitialized var warning from hold_copy_targeter
2012-07-17 Dan ScottSearchbar spacing: move inline CSS into a style
2012-07-17 Melissa LefebvreTPAC: Search wrapper spacing
2012-07-16 Jason Etheridgeincrease the default width for the xul list line number...
2012-07-14 Jennifer TurnerDocumentation: Add Patron Bills section to Patron Manag...
2012-07-14 Jennifer TurnerDocumentation: Add Circulation, Patron management Chapter
2012-07-14 Robert SoulliereSet unix file format to remove trailing "\r"s in file.
2012-07-14 Sally FortinAdd Group Serials Issues Chapter from Sally Fortin...
2012-07-14 Robert SoulliereUpdate Evergreen upgrade instructions to reflect the...
2012-07-14 Robert SoulliereRemove antiquated 1.6 directory from docs folder.
2012-07-14 Ben ShumConvert docs files from DOS to UNIX format.
2012-07-14 Dan ScottImprove Fedora prereqs and instructions
2012-07-14 Galen CharltonDOC: fix a couple typos
2012-07-14 Dan ScottREADME: Bump OpenSRF prerequisite to 2.1 for Evergreen...
2012-07-14 Dan ScottFurther integration: link README to server install...
2012-07-14 Dan ScottMerge the Evergreen docs into the code repository
2012-07-14 Dan ScottMerge remote-tracking branch 'docbook/master' into...
2012-07-13 Kathy LussierWhen a user views holds in their account, clicking...
2012-07-13 Bill EricksonCache propagated funds in fund rollover action
2012-07-13 Bill EricksonRepair PCrudFilter localeStrings variable collisions
2012-07-12 Thomas BerezanskyTPac: Disable caching for auth-required pages
2012-07-12 Lebbeous Fogle... Silence undef string concatenation warning in AutoSuggest
2012-07-12 Jeff GodinFix titles/tabs in Account Preferences subpages
2012-07-11 Bill EricksonRepaired typo in example rsyslog config file
2012-07-11 Dan ScottTPAC: Handle multiple matches for an XPath expression
2012-07-11 Lebbeous Fogle... Avoid problem with 2.1 -> 2.2 upgrade script issuing...
2012-07-10 Bob WicksallTPac: Add paging to My Lists
2012-06-27 Mike RylanderTeach the autosuggest web service to cache suggestions...